Page 28 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 28

Women of Distinction

               How COVID Has Adversely Affected Women

                                             In The Workplace

                                                        By Emily Golden
                                                    Photos courtesy of Emily Golden

                                               There are a  multitude of challenges   we’re ultimately handing off our power. It’s
                                            women are battling in our drive for equity   time to take back that power. It’s time to be
                                            but two seem to be leading the charge: (1)   your own champion.
                                            The lack of childcare available in the past   We must not allow decades of progress
                                            year has made it obvious that raising chil-  to evaporate. Perhaps more than ever, we
                                            dren is defaulted as a woman’s responsibil-  need compassion, trust, love, kindness, and
                                            ity. It’s still a deeply rooted part of our cul-  the ability to fully express ourselves in the
                                            ture, and the pandemic has just made that   workplace. So, whether you are a badass
                                            even more clear. (2) Our country clearly has   female leader, someone on the job hunt
                                            an over-reliance on men in leadership roles.   or simply someone who wants to live in a
                                            Women accounted for all the job losses in   world where we can speak our truth with-
                                            December, losing 156,000 jobs while men   out fear or repercussions, I’ve outlined steps
                                            gained 16,000.                       we can all take to advocate for one anoth-
                                               What’s perhaps even more interesting   er, to advocate for equity in our workplace,
                                            is that in spite of these losses, we’re seeing   and to ensure we’re all treating ourselves
                                            data that states women are needed in the   the way we’d want others to treat us.
                                            workforce now more than ever. A recent
                                            study that looked at the performance of
                                            194 countries in the fight against COVID-19   Women In The Workforce:
                                            found that women-led countries were   •  Embrace Results, Not Hours: Whether
                                            generally more successful in fighting the   you are going to the office or work-
                                            pandemic than those led by men. Why? Be-  ing remotely, it’s time to embrace a
                                            cause as nurturers by nature, women bring   results-driven workplace rather than
                                            compassion, empathy and a sense of vul-  measuring success by hours/days
                                            nerability to their work, which in turn leads   worked.
                 omen are remarkable. For cen-  to better risk management and effective
                 turies we’ve broken through so   leadership.                    •  Flexibility Is Key: Our personal and pro-
        Wmany barriers and shattered so        I want to be very clear; what we’re dis-  fessional lives have never been more
        many glass ceilings, that it started to feel   cussing is not a female problem, it’s a hu-  blended thanks to the pandemic, but
        like  we couldn’t  be surprised  by a  new   man and societal problem. Perhaps it’s time   just remember to set clear boundaries
        challenge. Enter COVID-19. In fairness, I’m   we collectively take a different approach to   so you are not overworked.
        not even sure the leading experts could   advocate for women, avoid backpedaling
        predict the scale and severity of this un-  even further, and eventually reverse the   •  Humor + Empathy Wins: Working
        precedented global pandemic, or how it   damage that this pandemic has done to ad-  remotely makes it that much more
        would impact every phase of our lives.   versely affect women in the workforce.  difficult to ensure that you are part of
        Women  in particular saw well thought-  Let me introduce you to a new perspec-  important conversations, but we can
        out and carefully curated schedules for   tive: The New Golden Rule. Not to be con-  subtly call it out when we realize we’re
        both themselves and their families quick-  fused with The “Old” Golden Rule, “Treat oth-  being excluded with a little humor and
        ly requiring a full overhaul as the roles   ers as you would like to be treated”, The New   empathy.
        of mother, wife, caretaker, and business   Golden Rule encourages you to “Treat your-
        professional occur simultaneously and   self the way you want others to treat you”.  •  Think Potential Over Past: Studies
        all under the same roof. A generation of   In what started as a personal mantra,   show that men apply to jobs when they
        women have fought to be viewed as more   The New Golden Rule quickly evolved into   meet 60% of the requirements, while
        than caretakers, and now, as we approach   an entire book dedicated to helping people   women will only apply if they meet
        the one year anniversary of Coronavirus   reclaim their power, find peace and natu-  100% of the requirements. We’re selling
        intertwining itself with every facet of our   rally improve our relationships with others.   ourselves short by relying on past expe-
        everyday lives, we’re in serious danger of   The simple truth, any time we expect some-  rience alone. Instead, we need to focus
        backpedaling.                       one  else  to  make  us  feel  good  or  valued,   on our potential and capabilities.

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