Page 33 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 33
Women of Distinction
Annie helps her clients client’s face, so she is a good who have children but are their tree, and he came back 48
battle these issues in a very sounding board for them.. “I finding it so difficult to be the hours later. She was telling me
fundamental way. “We like to tell women I did it, so I know kind of mom they think they all these things. And of course,
focus on what their strengths you can too. This often makes should be.” it's so hard to hear because
are. I will show them a list of them open up and share their Annie’s clients have a you just want to hold a person
fifty strengths and ask them to concerns with me.” variety of issues which they when they're telling you about
identify five to ten which apply Annie holds sessions in realize affect their everyday infidelity. They are heartbroken
to them. For most people this person and by phone, and her lives. There are clients who and they have a child together
is a real eye-opening experi- clients also have email access may have not had the best of that she must think of. The
ence because when you are to her whenever needed. She is upbringings and cannot seem first four sessions are pretty
coming in low on yourself, not a big fan of social media as to get past childhood issues. much her telling me about his
especially after something like she feels it can often be damag- Then there are those with even actions, how she is feeling and
a breakup, you're thinking I ing to her clients. “There's a lot more pain caused by sexual, what she thinks the future is
have nothing to offer. When of stuff out there that's going to physical or mental abuse at the going to look like.
they can view their strengths, it make you feel bad about your- hand of a stranger, relative, or It is at this point that
helps dissipate the feeling that self. Not good about yourself, family friend. “There is a wide Annie needs to respond to her
they are not good enough. and your phone can quickly range of issues that my clients client. Instead of a continued
One of the tools that Annie become an addiction as well.” come to me to discuss. I play a repetition of what horrors
uses is the ‘wellness wheel,’ I occurred, she believes her
asked her to explain to us how responsibility is in helping her
it works. “This is a really excel- client move forward. Her aim
lent tool for those who come to is to help clients get better,
me so confused and basically not just wallow in their grief,
not even sure where to start to regardless of how horrible their
solve their problems, or how to experiences may be.
get back on track. So, I would Annie explains, “As bad as
educate them by showing them her situation has been, she is at
a wellness wheel. Envision a a point where we need to help
pizza and each slice represents her move forward. We're going
something different. Areas to talk about how to handle
such as occupation, social life, this in the present, and we're
spirituality, physical, emotion- going to plan for the future.
al, and even environmental. I We talk about confidence
show them the wheel and tell building activities, and as with
them to rate themselves from just about every client, I focus
1 to 10 in each of these areas. them on gratitude. Placing a
One means you're suffering in focus on fixing the things she
that area and ten means you're A tremendous source of variety of roles for my clients, can control and not what she
succeeding and excelling. stress to millennial women is helping them get back on cannot control. She controls
Someone may look at their children. “Often my clients their feet to navigate the many staying in the relationship with
wellness wheel and in the area are grappling with the choices stressors they must face every this man or getting out, but
of finances they would admit they made in the past or may day.” she cannot control this man.
that they are a 10, They have a have to make moving forward. There are situations that He is an adult. He has his own
secure job in a booming field. I have clients who terminat- are often tough for Annie to car. He is going to do what he
They don't see it being replaced ed a pregnancy and can’t get hear, but she knows she can wants to do. We talked about
with technology. So, their fi- over the guilt they feel. Then help those clients get back on her strengths, and we talked
nancial area is great. Then they there are those who have had their feet and begin loving about her future goals, and
may go to their physical health multiple miscarriages, and for themselves. Annie shares a what she wants for her son. We
and admit that their doctors some reason blame themselves. story with us, “I have been talk about the things for which
told them they are 50 pounds While others choose to remain working with this woman she is thankful.”
overweight. They don't get any childless, but society, not to once a month, for the past Annie adds, “Where your
exercise, they eat terribly, and mention family members, five months. When I first met energy goes, your energy
love fast food. This is an area cannot respect their decisions. her, she was going through a grows.” She does not want to
in which they are suffering and Then there are those who want really tough time. Her son was see her clients stuck in a situ-
it's causing them pain. So, we children but are so bogged young, two or three years old, ation where they feel there is
know to focus on that area, and down with high-pressure jobs when she found out that her no solution. She must refocus
we can leave the finance area and fear that bringing a child husband was having an affair. their attention and moves them
completely alone. into the mix might not be fair In fact, it was Christmas time, forward one step at a time.
Annie lived through the given their hectic work sched- and her husband told her he Staying in the place she resides
stressors that many of her ules. Sometimes, I help women was going out to buy lights for is not healthy, not for her and