Page 37 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 37

Women of Distinction

           Laurel has many different areas in which   practice what they preached. Donating their   shows now. It’s the place where we share
        she is equally passionate.  “When I say that   services to programs that support peace and   knowledge and resources to drive a more
        I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur, it's   justice, wilidlife abundance and diversity,   conscious form of capitalism. What we mean
        because I'm excited by a lot of things. And I   and regenerative economics is an important   by that is we like to interview stakeholder-fo-
        have my hands in a lot of businesses in vari-  element of their business model of ‘doing   cused business owners and thought leaders
        ous roles. And – like Marie Forleo – I believe   business for good’. They not only retained   involved in the ‘business for good movement.’
        ‘everything is figureoutable.’”     their existing clientele, but their business   So, these are companies and folks who know
           A few years ago, Laurel experienced   grew even more.                 that if you take care of the environment and
        extreme personal challenges and a spiritual   “Like everyone, we had to adapt to   your people with your work first, then profits
        awakening where she was fortunate to have   being remote.  We were meeting clients and   and abundance will follow. We teach our
        advisors that helped her explore the foun-  conducting our podcasts interviews online   clients how to be mindful, purposeful, and
        dation of her feelings.  They advised that she   instead of in our in-person studio. People   intentional about their goals and actions.  We
        was frustrated and felt suffocated at work be-  became excited by the content we were   help them understand how to take care of
        cause she had to answer to a boss when she   sharing and by the ideas we had to offer. As   their vendors or customers or any stake-
        was clearly meant to be the boss.  Being able   a result, listeners were garnering knowledge   holders in their business. In this way you
        to make her own decisions would expand her   and resources to clarify and understand the   are taking care of both your people and the
        life. She needed to attract the right projects   purpose of their business, their core values   planet. And as a result, you end up meeting
        and clients that she felt proud of their work                            your financial goals.”
        and not have to take the road someone else                                 They interview non-profit and for-profit
        planned for her.                                                         organizations and especially certified B Cor-
           “I expressed anger regularly at work and                              porations.  These BCorps are vetted and audit-
        home because I had visions and solutions to                              ed by the third-party B Lab, which administers
        problems and injustices that seemed so obvi-                             a program that is considered the highest stan-
        ous to me. And by nature of being a planner,                             dard in social responsibility. A STELLAR CO has
        I could see the many specific steps to get to                            achieved its pending BCorp certification and
        the remedy or goal.  So it was confusing and                             are in B Lab’s queue to finalize it this year. The
        frustrating when others didn't take action.  I                           ORION Podcast can be found on YouTube as
        often took it personally. When I realized that                           well as Spotify and Apple or by visiting the A
        I could choose to lead in my own way and                                 STELLAR CO website at
        not try to control others, I healed my life. I                             Laurel loves being her own boss. “Found-
        launched my own business, A STELLAR CO,                                  ing and owning a conscious business means
        a consulting firm with my co-founder, Jessa                              we get to design it, to fulfill our purpose in
        Spainhower. Basically, our strategic planning                            life, and we have control of our time and our
        model helps companies ‘Do Business Without                               energy. And to me, the biggest reward is just
        Being a D!@#’ to each other and the environ-                             being the CEO of all aspects of my own life. It’s
        ment.  We are business strategists guiding the                           freedom to explore and expand. I can choose
        conscious economy.”                                                      to continually support non-profits like Torrey
           Their business was started almost two                                 Project, a business bootcamp for stakehold-
        years ago, and they have navigated through                               er capitalists, while for-profit businesses
        the pandemic with grit and optimism. Thank-  and their financial, environmental, and social   like Geosite, a Silicon Valley tech startup,
        fully, the use of Zoom and other virtual tools al-  goals. And by working with A STELLAR CO   have brought me on to their advisory board
        lowed A STELLAR CO to continue to engage cli-  to crystalize those ideas into a strategic plan,   because I have the creative freedom to push
        ents.  As a new company they didn’t qualify for   the POLARIS or North Star and guiding light,   society forward and it energizes me.”
        federal help, so they were on their own. “The   helps them expand and enjoy themselves in   Besides being the co-founder of A STEL-
        only thing I can say is that it made us incredibly   the face of the pandemic. It’s how Jessa and I   LAR CO, Laurel holds an executive position
        tough, and very innovative, which just fueled   can support our communities.”  with Controlled Thermal Resources, a com-
        our fire even more. We focused on streamlining   As Laurel explains, “when you have your   pany in Imperial County that is developing a
        our business processes, setting up templates   North star, you can be resilient through a pan-  100% renewable energy geothermal power
        for our work products and just organically   demic. You are empowered to take the next   plant and a lithium mining facility at the
        marketing ourselves through the launch of our   right step even if you aren’t getting govern-  Salton Sea.
        ORION Podcast, like the constellation Orion.   ment support. You can greet these challenges   “They reached out to me to help build
        Through this work style we have attracted the   with reverence for the opportunities they   the Hell’s Kitchen Lithium and Power Project.
        right customers. A lot of them we've offered   contain because you are clear on what you   They knew I owned my own business and
        complimentary consulting services, which   want, you’ve charted your course, and you   that I might not have the time, but that I had
        made us feel good to help small businesses or   have a team of connected accountability   the skills and expertise to successfully permit
        solopreneurs that might not normally be able   partners and stakeholders that want to help   the project. They thought I might be inspired
        to have access to our offerings.”   you achieve your moonshot goal.”     by an opportunity to create green jobs in a
           This also allowed the new partners the   I asked Laurel to tell us a bit more about   disadvantaged community. A few weeks after
        ability to show the world that they did in fact   the ORION Podcast. “We have produced 50   the interview, the pandemic hit but they still

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