Page 38 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 38
Women of Distinction
hired me to keep us moving forward – like A aged to grow through innovation in natural are three things that I do every day. First,
STELLAR CO, we believe this work is the best resources management, which accelerated all I do something for myself, which involves
way we can support our communities and of our wellbeing in many ways. Keep going self-care or self-love. It can be anything from
regenerate value. I now live part time in San to the Grapes of Wrath moment and we see moving my body to reading a book over tea
Diego and Imperial County with opportuni- there’s a blurred constant of us all doing our or meditating. My second habit is I take care
ties to engage with more diverse populations part to progress and be more aware of our- of my human relationships. It could be doing
and see where we can all go together in the selves and our world, with the environment something for James, or a friend or colleague.
clean energy and climate industries.” as a key stakeholder in all of it.” This could be as simple as making them smile
Laurel views her position at Controlled I asked Laurel what had become of the or laugh, knowing how much I appreciate
Thermal Resources as a showcase for her Debutante from Tulsa who dreamed of marry- them, or just sharing some sort of levity and
career. “It provides daily opportunities to ex- ing Mr. Right, joy. The third habit comes after I've taken care
press what I’ve learned to date and help grow “Well, I didn’t meet him when I was pre- of myself and my human relationships, then I
the business while I grow myself! The project sented to society; I connected with James 12 take care of my career. This is when those pro-
ductivity and performance to-do’s and tasks
get accomplished.”
“I also ensure the decisions I make, both
personal and in business, are filtered through
my core values, which are the Augustinian
values of Veritas, Unitas and Caritas. Veritas, or
truth, is having the courage to speak and live
authentically in the pursuit of justice, even
when it may be unpopular or triggering for
others. Unitas is oneness, and I believe that
we are all one, interconnected oversoul and
nothing that any of us does but affects us all.
And Caritas is love – and doing that makes it
that. I believe that if we always choose love
over fear, then we are doing good work and
co-creating and flowing more love to all.”
Laurel has so much insight into environ-
mental issues and how to help companies
become more purpose-driven. This is so
important to her and her business partners.
Laurel adds, “They call them businesses for
good, because they're not perfect by any
means, but actively progressing towards
not only reducing their negative impact but
producing a positive one. One day, we won’t
stands to be the world's most environmen- years ago when he was visiting San Francisco need philanthropy because all business will be
tally conscious method of mining for critical from London, and I was there visiting my sis- conducted regeneratively.” If these topics res-
minerals like lithium, which goes into the ters. We met at the Bus Stop Saloon and never onate with you and you are interested in sup-
batteries of our phones and electric vehicles. thought we would see each other again. And port integrating them into your business, then
I see the vision and I’m stoked to be a part of yet we reconnected a year later when he invest in yourself by listening to the ORION
leadership. And it's a launching off point to visited San Diego with more of his “mates.” Podcast and contacting Laurel at A STELLAR
what may come ahead. I try not to future-trip, And then he came over to visit just me! And CO or Controlled Thermal Resources. She can
but I feel really good about expanding.” I stayed with him in London a few times. We provide a wealth of information to you.
I asked Laurel if she felt people were did this long-distance dance for four years After spending some time with Laurel, it
more conscious of the environment now than before he immigrated on a K-1 fiance visa and is obvious that this is not only her business,
when she first chose this field that she is so we tied the knot at La Valencia Hotel in 2012. but it is her passion. Contact her to help you
passionate about. “Every generation is pas- We have two pups and live at the beach.” make your business more conscious of its
sionate about something. For millennials, it is I asked Laurel if there was anything we impact, which in turn will make you more
doing business without greed, taking care of did not discuss that she wanted our readers successful.
our natural environment so we save our spe- to know and she shared some secrets that al-
cies, and supporting gender nonconformity low her to balance her life. “Yes, the way that Visit A STELLAR CO at
and equality. The boomers paved the way for I can manage all that I am doing and live a and Controlled Thermal Resources at
this important work through their own en- fulfilling life requires that I have daily healthy
vironmental movements, business acumen, habits. This allows me to still have energy for Explore Torrey Project at
and civil rights activism. My grandparents myself, my husband, and my other human and Geosite
went through World War II and still man- relationships while making money. There at
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