Page 41 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 41
by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
tures, or only on one side controlled individually by
at a time. This means when the knobs positioned on
I want a veggie skewer, and the side. This feature is
my husband wants a bison ideal for foods that require
burger, we aren’t burdened different cooking tempera-
by who will have the less tures, or for simply keeping
than desirable result or food warm. Additionally,
commingling the items on switching one side off is
a small grill top. Approxi- always an option. A nice
mately 110 square inches, option to have if you’re
we had more than enough running low on fuel or only
room to cook everyone’s cooking a simple meal for
favorites. Unlike most por- one.
table grills, the nomadiQ To purchase your own
is unique with two inde- nomadiQ Portable Propane
pendent grilling surfaces. Gas Grill and accessories,
Each grilling side can be visit
nomadiQ is the ulti- seashell is an incredible
mate portable, lightweight perk of having the no-
gas grill for all of your char- madiQ portable grill. Usu-
broiled hopes and dreams. ally only ever having one
This sleek sexy bad boy hand free, I was overjoyed
allows you to grill anytime, to know I could easily carry
anywhere. Weighing in at the lightweight grill. A
an impressively feather comfortable carrying strap
light weight of just 12 lbs. also plays a role in being
nomadiQ may be small, but able to take it anywhere
it sure is mighty. Transport you go. Its portability and
and grill it up anywhere dual temperature control
you please; campsites, are unlike any other grill
RVing, boating, parks, on the market. All I had to
decks & patios, apartments bring was a standard dis-
& tiny homes, the beach, posable gas canister which
road trips and more. Get is easily purchased on
this city dwellers, nomadiQ campsites and I was ready
can be used as a tabletop to get cooking!
grill inside & outside. How After a fun day grilling,
convenient is that?! you may be wondering
As an avid griller, I was how long it took me to
so excited to see this com- clean up. Well, this too is a
pany come across my desk. breeze with nomadiQ. The
During this difficult time, grilling surfaces are easy to
my family and I have spent remove, clean and replace.
many weekends outdoors. Not only does this portable
Being able to make mem- grill have ample grilling
ories that include roasting space, but it also comes
hotdogs by the beach, with dual temperature
while my son runs around control allowing you to
trying to find the perfect grill at different tempera-