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Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert
with a trustworthy recipe, shelf stable ready to have a one of a kind culinary aluminum beverage cans and some 19oz
ingredients, and key cooking tools. All experience, visit cans with standard tops – this means
you have to do is add in a few basics and and order your kits today. all cans with diameters that fit 50mm to
roll up your sleeves to add a little spice 54mm, including seltzers like Truly and
to your next date night, dinner party, or 12. Draft Top Whiteclaw, can utilize the device.
family fun activity. At Draft Tops, they set out to change The Draft Top is made in America so
The hardest part of Global Grub is the experience of drinking straight out you can trust its quality will be superior to
deciding on which kit to buy! The current of the can. As you know, smell and taste others. With shipping to anywhere in the
collection includes choices of creating are directly linked and when an alumi- world (China excluded), you can expe-
Mochi Ice Cream, Fortune Cookies, Sushi, num top is blocking your ability to drink rience the difference in drinking by can
or Ravioli. To give you more details on your beverage, it really makes for a bad with Draft Top. To purchase today, visit
how complete these kits are, lets dive experience. With this unique product, you
into what’s included in the Sushi Making can actually remove the lid which allows
Kit. Their fan favorite, the Sushi Making for adding a touch of lime, alcohol, ice, or 13. KIKI Boxes
Kit comes with; Sushi Rice, Nori, Rice mixers! The options are endless! Ready to party? Kiki Boxes has you
Vinegar Powder, Sesame Seeds, Wasabi Not to mention, this allows the can covered. Designed by a well-known TV
Powder, Rolling Mat, and Instructions. All to be reused into a pencil holder, herb and feature film set designer and expert
you need is whatever “fresh” ingredients holder, or cup. party planner, these boxes provide every-
you’d like to add such as your favorite So, who is behind this ingenious idea? thing you need to create a memorable
protein, veggies, or sauces. Plus, the kit Well, two Aerospace Insurance Underwrit- celebration for your loved ones. In fact,
makes a generous 8 rolls! ers, of course! (Yes, you read that correct- KIKI Boxes leave no stone unturned with
As you can see, these Global Grub ly.) Armand Ferranti and Sean Kelly are the dinnerware, streamers, decorations, and
food kits are the perfect gift for family Co-Founders of Draft Top, and while their party favors included in each themed kit.
and friends because of the memorable background may seem quite different, The themes available will fit every
experience you get to have with your their experience in operations and busi- child’s interests and include the follow-
loved ones… all ending in a delicious ness is key to the success they have had ing options: dinosaurs, sports, unicorns,
meal or snack. Global Grub also allows with the company. princess, circus, and the traditional
for you to include a message to your Now onto the most important part- Happy Birthday box. The boxes feature
recipient at checkout that will be printed the patented design. Draft Top uses 4 everything you will need to impress with
on their packing slip, so no card is nec- rotational blades which sit inside the rim very thoughtful design elements – the
essary! The packaging they will receive is of the can and use pressure to split and only hard part is choosing whether you
also 100% recyclable and the kits have an fold the lids as it turns. It takes approx- will hold your spectacular event for 8 or
expiration that ranges from 6 months to imately ½ turn or rotating the tool 180 16! KIKI Boxes makes it so easy that they
a year, providing them adequate time to degrees back and forth 3 times for it to actually include a party guide in each kit
schedule their cooking adventure. easily complete the separation. Since the which details exactly how to set up your
Ready for the kicker? With every kit removal of the lid uses pressure, its blades event as well as thank you notes to send
that’s sold, Global Grub has a Giveback are not sharp and provide a seamless and to your attendees. You simply choose
Program that donates the cost of a meal smooth edge. The Draft Top was specifi- that aforementioned theme, and the kit
to their local Food Bank. So if you’re cally designed for most standard 8-16oz is delivered quickly to your doorstep with