Page 51 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 51
by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
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Silken Pure creates pillowcases, sleep When your skin makes contact with their pieces simply for the stylish fashion
masks and robes from pure mulberry silk these incredible pillowcases, it will absorb statements, you will continue to frequent
in which the supplier has an OKEO TEX 100 the protein-rich fibers that contain 18 this company for what they do to give back
rating to ensure only non-toxic dyes and different amino acids, hydrating your skin to the community.
natural fibers are used. The silk is full of while you sleep. To experience the differ- Simple Satch is dedicated to positively
protein-rich fibers that contain 18 differ- ence having mulberry silk products in your impacting those in need. Personalizing the
ent amino acids that your skin naturally everyday life can make, visit Silkenpure. donation aspect of a customer’s purchase
absorbs and retains, which means your com to shop their entire collection now. experience is a priority for Simple Satch. 10
skin is hydrating while you sleep. Better percent of all revenue from products sold
yet, Silken Pure’s pure mulberry silk has you 21. Simple Satch on go directly to charity.
moving past the synthetic, artificial, pet- A mask may be a requirement these Teaming up with Givz, a company that
rochemicals that are used in most cotton days, but that doesn’t mean it has to be simplifies the giving experience, customers
products. boring. Simple Satch has an amazing line have a turnkey option at the end of check-
The unexpected bonus to receiving a of fashion forward masks in all the prints out to donate 10 percent of their purchase
Silken Pure product- the company’s dona- your heart desires! From camo to floral, to more than 1.6 million charities, includ-
tion to organizations in need. Engaging your style can be expressed with these ing The Child Mind Institute, City Harvest,
in frequent campaigns giving 10-50% of beautifully crafted accessories. If you’ve and amfAR, Simple Satch’s charity partners.
proceeds to non-profit foundations that worn a mask for any amount of time, you This combination of quality fashion-for-
help our youth with mental and emotional know how important comfort becomes. ward masks and charitable donations
health, Silken Pure purchases are ones of Masks which pull on your ears or sit too makes Simple Satch a no-brainer!
which you can be proud. Breaking the stig- snuggly against your face can cause To order your own Simple Satch item,
mas surrounding mental illness starting at discomfort, but with Simple Satch, you will visit today!
age 3 to 24, the company does more than rest easy in their Mulberry Silk mask collec-
just offer an incredible product. tion. These expertly designed masks fea- 22. SmartFelt Toys
One of our favorite products from their ture soft elastic ear loops with adjustable Founded and owned by a Speech Pa-
current collection are the face masks. These toggles and the most delectable fabric thologist, SmartFelt Toys makes award-win-
pure mulberry silk masks gently caress your that makes long hours beyond bearable. ning, multi-sensory, interactive felt toys
face while keeping you safe from germs The classic collection of masks by Simple that build early language skills. It is import-
and offer sizeable ear loops for maximum Satch also feature luxurious upgrades like ant to get kids engaged with language
comfort. The colors are beautifully vibrant a molded nose bridge and adjustable ear and vocabulary as early as possible in their
and include soft pink and champagne. elastics crafted in 100% cotton. development. The unique design of Smart-
When it comes to your new sleep solu- Masks aren’t the only “must buy” at Sim- Felt allows it to be used as a 3-Dimensional
tion, the pillowcases are unlike any other ple Satch. Pairing your mask with a chain play set or flat-lay. The soft and stick-able
product we have tried. You will experience or lanyard helps to keep it clean and avoid felt pieces address essential early language
a newfound sense of comfort and luxury the all too familiar struggle of emptying concepts and each piece serves a specific
while giving yourself the gift of numerous your purse to find the elusive accessory. purpose. Whether they want to create their
health benefits. The pillowcases help to With an easy on/off, adding this accessory own stories, or follow the ones in the kit,
support anti-aging, anti-bedhead, and an- to your cart will keep your prized masks in kids can play in a way that educates and
ti-sleep wrinkles with a restful night’s sleep. optimum condition. While you may buy evolves.