Page 47 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 47

by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds



        their signature premium and high-qual-  stress, and changes in eating schedules,   liquid form of PRANA to be the quick-
        ity goods ready to set up at a moment’s   our digestive systems have become   est and easiest turmeric supplement
        notice.                             very inconsistent. When we are at home   they’ve found. Not only does its liquid
           We at San Diego Woman had the    sitting around and not staying active or   state help with making the supplement
        opportunity to try the Princess KIKI Box,   engaging in our usual routines, the colon   an enjoyable addition to your nutrition-
        and we were incredibly impressed. Every   motility decreases, and we can therefore   al regiment, but, it is superior in taste!
        single detail was accounted for and intelli-  experience uncomfortable results from   This is due to one key difference from
        gently designed. From the princess castle   our new norms.               its competitors-vegetable glycerin.
        cupcake toppers, to the crown banner, to   This lack of mobility, paired with less   Other supplements use harsh alcohol
        the sparkly wands; our little ones were in   than stellar eating habits, has caused   or CO2 extract which leaves a chemical
        a fantasy land! The thought behind every   many during this Pandemic to feel un-  aftertaste, whereas PRANA’s vegetable
        item is incredible. Our little ones were   healthy, unmotivated, or just plain bleh!   glycerin addition results in a sweet, hon-
        particularly enthralled with the sparkle   With these issues being felt through-  ey-like flavor you will find soothing and
        party crowns which made every girl feel   out our offices, we are so lucky to have   delicious.
        special. When they had finally had enough  stumbled upon PRANA by Leefy Organics.   This all-natural supplement has so
        cupcakes to nourish a small town, we let   PRANA is a comprehensive Turmeric sup-  many benefits it’s hard to list them all
        them each choose one of the included   plement with ginger and black pepper, to   here. Some noteworthy points of Leefy
        party favors- adorable princess temporary   aid in combatting congestion, inflamma-  Organics PRANA are that it contains no
        tattoos and gemstone stickers.      tory pain, poor digestion, and many other   chemicals, artificial flavors, sweeteners,
           If you want to avoid running from   ailments. The supplement is organic and   or preservatives. It is vegan, non-GMO,
        store to store, stressing about what   sourced from non-GMO growers in the   organic, and gluten free. Personally, my
        matches and what will work, this is your   United States. The benefits of turmeric   favorite part of this supplement is how
        answer. We could not have designed the   need to be unlocked by three keys to aid   easily I can take it with me throughout
        event any better than KIKI Boxes and now   in absorption; a combination with black   the day or when traveling. I love carrying
        have an “Instagram worthy” photo shoot   pepper, addition to a fat, and produced   the small tincture in my purse and add-
        of our kids celebration to cherish for a life-  in liquid form. PRANA has developed a   ing it to my morning tea. With a previous
        time. As their website states, a Kiki Box is,   formula that includes those which results   knee injury in my youth, inflammation
        “crafted and designed for the express pur-  in the best way to get your daily dose of   and arthritis has become a daily strug-
        pose of calming nerves, reducing anxiety   curcumin.                     gle. PRANA has helped to combat those
        and stress” and throwing an unforgettable   Unlike PRANA by Leefy Organics,   symptoms and provided a release from
        event! (And oh, how accurate this is!)  most turmeric supplements only con-  pain I’ve experienced for 20 years.
           To purchase your own themed Kiki   tain a single extract of curcumin. A large   To order your own bottle of PRANA
        Box, visit today!     body of evidence suggests that curcumin   by Leefy Organics, visit LeefyOrganics.
                                            has strong anti-inflammatory and an-  com and simply choose the one, two, or
        14. Leefy Organics- PRANA           ti-arthritis properties. So, if rheumatoid   four month supply. (Oh, and just a tip, you
           Working from home is great, but it   arthritis or osteoarthritis is causing pain   get a great discount when you buy the
        definitely has some negatives… and the   in your joints, make yourself a cup of   four-month supply and you won’t regret
        effects on one’s digestive system is one of   arthritis-fighting turmeric tea, and see if   stocking up or sharing your new found
        them. Due to lack of exercise, poor sleep,   your symptoms subside. Many feel the   health with friends and family!)
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