Page 52 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 52
Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert
The brilliant Speech Therapist behind of storytelling while being engaged with consistent compression as a result of er-
this product has been working with kids the process is unlike any child educa- gonomic seaming and double panel side
for more than 30 years! Her enthusiasm tion product out there! The companion gussets. Plus, the Copper Znergy provides
for working with children, drove the product to “My Little House”, “My Little permanent anti-odor benefits so I have no
origination of this business and allows Farm”, allows the same education with the issue with sweating it out in Zumba!
her to help those who need it most. This backdrop of life on a working farm! Kids Now you are probably thinking, its
business is the kind we strive to feature; will be enthralled with the ability to play great they have support but they can’t be
a mom and pop shop run out of the with horses, cows, pigs, geese, and more cute… well, you are WRONG. These qual-
family home in Sherman Oaks, California, in this collection. Then, when it is time ity leggings offer a practical design with
SmartFelt provides a sense of purpose to to learn about our seasons, the “My Little beautiful contour seaming and a peach
Yvonne and husband Peter. Peter, a for- Seasons” felt pieces will be a great way to popping back seam and band. Now, you
mer television producer who has joyfully do that! They feature the most delightful can feel good AND look great! Available
left the TV business behind for the much snow-covered windows and jolly Santa in size Small to 2XL, any woman will feel
more satisfying world of educational Claus, as well as Fall trees, and Summer confident in their styles. Slate Grey and
toys, helps give life to the products they BBQs. Black allow for practical integration into
provide. In fact, every piece of the 37 To get your little one a SmartFelt Toy more than just your workout wardrobe. I
felt items included in a kit has a purpose of their own, visit love pairing my Tommie Copper Leggings
which address an early language concept. today! with Knee Support with a camisole and
The 37 brilliantly colored soft, sticking denim jacket and hitting the mall!
felt pieces are used to promote receptive 23. Tommie Copper Leggings with Knee Sold at half the price of other designer
and expressive language; to teach who, Support leggings, but they are also able to offer
what, and where questions; to develop Imagine the comfort and versatility of you a financing payment plan option to
matching skills; and as a springboard for your favorite pair of yoga leggings. Now, get them home on a budget. To see these
demonstrating storytelling skills. add built-in knee sleeves for confident adorable leggings for yourself, and find
Their collection of toys currently in- stability in your joints and 4D stretch com- relief from everyday knee pain, visit Tom-
cludes; “My Little House”, “My Little Farm”, pression for all-day support, improved today!
and a companion felt add-on entitled, circulation, and soothing pain relief. That's
“My Little Seasons”. “My Little House” the innovative combination behind Tom- 24. Pure Therapeutic Ketones – Best in
features an adorable cottage and allows mie Copper Knee Support Leggings—de- Class
items to be placed on both the interior signed to be a discreet and supportive Many of us have tried multiple diets
and exterior of the home. The felt pieces way to stay comfortable during your for health and weight loss. Today one of
include furniture, appliances, and all the favorite activities. the hottest diet trends is the KETO diet.
necessities of a typical home. “My Little As I have mentioned before, I suffered What if you could have the benefits of
House” promotes receptive and expressive a bad knee injury in my younger years so this diet craze without having to stick to a
language, visual attention and processing, when I hear a product can assist in my dai- strict diet plan? Pure Therapeutic Ke-
following simple directions, conversa- ly knee support, I jump at the chance to tones-Best in Class offers a way to get into
tion and dialogue, vocabulary building, try. These Tommie Copper Leggings with Ketosis without the pain and suffering.
grammar skills, and match making skills. Knee support, make me feel more con- By taking one of their supplements
The ability for your child to learn the art fident during workouts by maintaining daily, which comes in a pleasant tasting