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What is Love, From One                              that we would never call each

                                       Guy’s Point of View                                 other names during a dis-
                                                                                           agreement. We talked about
                                                                                           when we would have children.
                                       by C. F. Illingworth                                (We waited five years to have
                                                                                           our first child.) I think that we
                                                                                           were compatible because we
                                          ver the centuries there   The Beatles “All you need is   came from similar back-
                                      Ohave been volumes        love”? Don’t we all want that?  grounds, belonged to the same
                                      written about the subject of   As we grow older, and   religion, and experienced the
                                      love, including the question   hopefully wiser, we realize that   same economic situations.
                                      “What is love?” Love has been   there are many types of love   During our marriage we
                                      a driving force throughout   and many ways of expressing   have experienced many trials
                                      human existence. There have   love for one another. I remem-  and tribulations, some easily
                                      been powerful stories of   ber when I was young and I   manageable and some very
                                      wars fought over the love of   “fell in love”. I was thirteen and  troublesome. Sometimes it
                                      a woman. One story comes   was enamored with the nine-  took a toll on both of us, but
                                      to mind. Menelaus, king of   teen year old girl who lived   we had each other to rely on.
                                      Sparta, fought Paris for Hellen   next door. It didn’t bother   Mature lovers realize that with
                                      of Troy. Although women   me that she was married and   the power of two you can both
                                      have routinely been treated   had a two year old daughter.   handle difficult situations
                                      poorly throughout history,   I experienced a feeling that   as long as you are there to
                                      they have also been regarded   caused me to lose my appe-  support each other. We had
                                      with respect and adoration   tite and undergo a kind of a   learned early in our marriage
                                      in the name of love as well.   woozy feeling throughout my   that we both had to be willing
                                      However, there are stories   whole body. This is sometimes   to give and take in order to
                                      where women have fought   called “puppy love”. Then   come to a mutual agreement.
                                      for a man. Cleopatra used   there is that more mature type   We found that by giving each
                                      her army against the Roman   of love that happens when   other some space during or
                                      Empire because of her love for   a couple stops admiring a   after a disagreement, we could
                                      Marc Anthony.             person just for their looks, but   come back to the problem
                                         In today’s society, love   rather for their whole being.   with an attitude of coopera-
                                      has taken on many meanings   Every couple expresses their   tion to work toward a mutual
                                      and feelings. A woman usually   deep feelings for one another   compromise. The bottom line
                                      has a romantic view of love,   in a variety of ways. A mature   is, loving someone is only easy
                                      while many men see love as a   loving relationship develops   as long as you are committed
                                      way to obtain certain favors   respect, trust, humor and the   to each other’s wellbeing.
                                      from a woman. I have heard   knowledge that you are both   What is Love? Love is not
                                      it said that woman use sex to   physically and emotionally   what you want from the other
                                      obtain love and men use love   involved in the relationship.   person, but rather what you
                                      to obtain sex. I don’t think   They support each other in   are willing to give to the ‘love
                                      that is true in all relation-  good times and hard times.   of your life’. Like truth, love
                                      ships; however, one could see   The vows that couples express   will endure.
                                      that blatant attitude in many   during a wedding ceremony   (Mr. and Mrs. Illingworth
                                      movies over the last 90 years.   are not just something to say,   have been happily married
                                      Also, many love songs seem to   but are words to live by. Make   for over fifty five years and
                                      be idealistic when it comes to   no mistake, there will always   have three children, eight
                                      the description of both men   be disagreements and misun-  grandchildren and one great
                                      and women’s view of romantic   derstandings in any relation-  grandchild).
                                      love. Some songs extol the   ship; but in those cases, love
                                      qualities of an idealistic man,   will endure.       Mr. Illingworth is the author
                                      while other ballads praise the   When my future wife   of two books. One is a comical,
                                      virtues of a woman. In these   and I talked, we covered   country, family-themed book.
                                      songs, both men and women   many facets of marriage. We   The second book is a memoir
                                      seem to envision an idealistic   talked about how to treat one   of his childhood. They can be
                                      view of a loving relationship.   another. Both our parents had   found at under
                                      Have you heard the Song by   arguments, and we decided   C. F. Illingworth

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