Page 60 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 60
The Story of Woman’s Suffrage and other evils of slavery. These speeches Americans, as so many things have transpired
by Elizabeth Baker Davis September 2, 1852 are made from street corners, in the backs since the Seneca Falls Convention. Father has
of wagons, on the beds of trucks anywhere allowed me to follow the movement but has
Woman’s rights were being debated as where they can reach the people with their asked me to write more meaningful articles
far back as the American Revolution (1776- message. concerning the atmosphere in the country.
1783) when Abagail Adams, the wife of Local chapters of the movement orga- Even though I have written several articles
President John Adams, suggested in a letter nize parades and invite women to join them about the movement and the support we have
she wrote then Congressman John Adams, to march down the streets of America in sol- garnered over the years, he still considers it
to “remember the ladies” in any new laws idarity of the movement. A parade was held less than worthy for a full Sunday spread.
that would be written at the Continental last Saturday evening and was attended by So, Diary I languish in articles about the
Congress in Philadelphia. Yet, when the some estimated 700 men and women, which economy, cultural values, the clash of power
Constitution of the United States was written ended in a peaceful demonstration in front of of the federal government over the control
in 1787, it gave each state control over elec- city hall. Some 125 women were arrested for of individual states, and what seems to be
tions. At first states allowed white men, who inciting a riot and unlawful behavior. the root of the unrest- slavery. This issue
owned property, the right to cast their ballot. has been something the north and south
At that time a good number of people, even Well Diary what do you think? I did have argued for decades, however the issue
some women, believed that a woman was some research as Mother suggested, although is causing arguments between friends and
simply unfit to vote and that they would there doesn’t seem to be very much in the way family, neighbor against neighbor, and now
neglect their family duties is they became of articles or documents. I hope Father will that Mr. Lincoln has been elected president,
interested in politics. agree to follow the suffrage movement and the issue of slavery has become monumental.
let me write articles informing his readers. I just hope that Mr. Lincoln can bring this
Mother seems to like the article and praised issue to rest and we can return to some unity
me for presenting the facts and not allowing as Americans. I have a meeting tonight for
my personal judgement to enter into the the movement so I will have to go for now as
writing. I have learned from Father that a I want to print out some flyers to pass out at
good journalist will present the facts and hold our next rally. Yes, I forgot to tell you Father
any commentary aside until requested. I hope has allowed me the use of the printing press as
Father notices that that is exactly what I have long as it does not interfere with the printing
done of the paper. I think he may be softening in
his impending age, that or Mother’s constant
“Good job Elizabeth well done. I ap- “reminder of the guest bedroom always avail-
preciate your judgement in not mentioning able for his occupancy”, has finally made a
your involvement regarding last Saturday lasting impression.
night. Please tell your mother that I am
quite pleased with your article. Tell your “Mother, what will happen now that Mr.
mother that I would be proud to publish Lincoln has declared war on the South?”
this, in fact I will allow you to watch this “I’m afraid this will mean brother
Suffrage began in France in 1701, but suffrage movement and if indeed anything against brother; I mean your Uncle Nathan
American suffrage did not become recog- should happen of real importance, then pride’s himself as a proper southern gen-
nized until the Women’s Rights Convention please use your own judgment as to writing tleman. Your Father has been living in the
which was held in Seneca Falls, New York an article or not.” north for many years and as you know is
1848. Suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, I’m not sure if my Father’s acceptance of against slavery.” The tone in Mother’s voice
made a powerful and memorable speech my article was because he really liked it, or he mirrored the look of worry on her face. “I
exclaiming, “We hold these truths to be was tired of sleeping in the guest bedroom. know my brother-in-law and his convictions
self-evident, that all men and women are It was obvious from Father’s statement that about owning his slaves. I know your Father
created equal.” That same night Mrs. Stanton he did not think the suffrage or the woman’s and he feels just as strong about his feelings
introduced for the first time ‘a woman’s right right’s movement was important. I will need against slavery.”
to vote’ be added to the suffrage manifesto. to do more research and follow the move- May 1864
The manifesto is commonly referred to as ment closely so I can convince Father, and his Diary,
The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolu- readers, that this is, well it is just about the So many men have died in this senseless
tions, and was written by suffragists includ- most important thing ever. war. Our neighbor’s son, James, was killed
ing, Mrs. Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. last week and Mother has been spending her
These words would help spark the greatest January 1860 time with Mrs. Tillinghouse trying to comfort
grassroots movement for equal justice in Oh, my dear Diary, her. How do you comfort a mother who has
American history. I know you must have thought that I lost her 17-year-old son? Since this awful war
Since the convention in Seneca Falls, have forsaken you, but something happened began, the movement has been working with
the Suffrage movement has maintained to me that night I spent in jail with Mother. I several Negro activist to further the cause
and supported the abolishment of slavery think I grew that night into a somewhat polit- of the end of slavery. Although the rights of
and woman’s right to vote. The women that ical advocate, an advocate for the movement. women are still important many suffragists
are considered the founders of the wom- (suffrage/women’s rights) I have been working including leaders like Susan B. Anthony
en’s rights movement, Susan B. Anthony, with other women in my town to spread the and Elisabeth Cady Stanton, worked closely
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott word to abolish slavery and the right for a with Negro abolitionist including Frederick
have been launching their political activ- woman to vote. The chasm between the north Douglas to end slavery. The main focus of the
ism as abolitionists against slavery and the and south states concerning these two topics movement changed, and the abolishment of
woman’s right to vote, by writing speeches seems to have grown substantially. I can feel slavery seemed to be at the forefront of the
and speaking publicly citing the inhuman the unrest of many of my northern fellow movement.