Page 62 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
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as we were given programs describing the   activist Inez Milholland led over five thou-  are better than say 5 years ago, but look at
        upcoming events. I forgot my reading glasses   sand suffragettes up Pennsylvania Avenue,   the MeToo movement, enough said. These
        at the hotel, but I don’t think I would have   along with over 20 parade floats, nine bands,   things are real, and the sad fact is that we are
        taken time to read this program as there was   and four mounted brigades. The organizers   still fighting for equal rights 170 years after
        too much excitement all around me. People   of the parade also maximized attention on   a really brave lady walked across a stage in
        milling about collecting donations, more peo-  the event by strategically hosting it just one   Seneca Falls. New York and made the speech
        ple passing out leaflets, more people holding   day before the inauguration of President   of her life, proclaiming “We hold these truths
        signs, and as I looked down Pennsylvanian   Woodrow Wilson. This tactic worked as   to be self-evident that all men and women
        Avenue, a sea of people. Someone was trying   the women marched from the U.S. Capitol   are created equal.”
        to say something on the steps of the Treasury   toward the Treasury Building, they were met   These women were not from any Jane
        Building, but even with the large speakers   by thousands of spectators, many in town for   Austin novel - they wanted something, and
        flanking the steps, it was impossible to hear   the inauguration.”       they weren’t afraid to go out and get it. I
        what she was saying. And then, as if Moses                               wonder if I could find the kind of woman
        was paring the Red Sea, the crowd parted                                 like Susan B. or a Cady Stanton? They had
        and a white stallion with a beautiful woman                              the class of a 1800 woman, prime and proper
        with long flowing locks of blonde hair came                              with the petty coats to prove it. When they
        strutting towards us. She wore a costume of                              opened their mouths they could cut you to
        steel caring a spear and I think Godiva herself                          the core. So many women suffered, one even
        would be jealous. As all eyes were affixed on                            died*, and some did not get married, just for
        this beautiful woman no one noticed that on                              the cause. You may say so, I’ll tell you what
        both sides of the Treasury steps were warriors                           the so is, in the 1800’s a single woman was
        blowing horns while small women dressed in                               shunned and consider a second class lump
        white came dancing down the steps to greet                               that really didn’t have a place in a man’s
        our brave Warrior. This Diary was a staged                               world as they weren’t even good enough to be
        spectacle that must have taken months to                                 married. I don’t really want to spend a lot of
        plan and the Bible to immolate. There were                               time man bashing but when a man exclaims,
        bands, more brigades of mounted women,                                   I am part of the weaker sex I have the perfect
        floats, and women, so many women each                                    response, “Try having a baby.” That usually
        group holding up a sign with the name of                                 shuts them up.
        the state or group they represented. If I live                              *Remember that beautiful woman
        another 80 years, which isn’t likely, I know I                           riding on that white stead? Her name was
        will never see such pageantry                                            Inez Milholland, an accomplished woman
                                                                                 at 26, she was an attorney and an activist for
                                                                                 the woman’s rights movement. She made
                                                                                 countless speeches and traveled from city to
                                                                                 city making speeches, passing out leaflets,
                                                                                 doing whatever she could to spread the word.
                                                                                 She was diagnosed with pernicious anemia
                                                                                 and was told she required rest, but she didn’t
                                                April 1917                       listen as she had a job to do. She died some
                                                Diary, I never imagined I would still be   4 months after the march in 1913. You don’t
                                            working at the paper, but with the war raging   hear very much about her, but I think she
                                            and Mitchell joining the fight - here I am. I   should be a symbol for women’s rights on her
                                            have witnessed women leaving their homes   white horse, with her warrior steel helmet
                                            and filling the spots their husbands, their   and breast shield.
                                            brothers once had and somehow the role of a   Time for my bottom line, finally you
                                            woman has changed. Society has seen we are a   say. I have a friend who is a job recruiter
                                            force to be reckoned with - we can, and we will   and we discussed this topic. I was surprised
                                            keep this country going until this war is over   when she told me that women are the cause
           The Story of Woman’s Suffrage    I may be seeing and feeling something that I   for some of the problem. Her response was
        by Mitchell Green        March 1913  have wished for many years, but I feel a real   that men think they are worth more than
                                            shift in society -- how they seem to have a new   women in the job market. A man is not
           As the editor of this paper, I promised   respect for the value of a woman. Father said   afraid to ask for more money when looking
        Elizabeth Davis, who still owns this paper   he would never see the day women could vote   for a job, while a woman will almost always
        that I would continue to report on any major   and he was right and so was mother. I feel a   ask for $10,000 or $20,000 less. A sad sad
        developments in the Woman’s Rights Move-  new energy at 83, I pray I see that day.  commentary. All I can say is it is time to put
        ment. This group has continued to work                                   on your big girl panties ladies and VOTE. I
        faithfully but I have not written any articles   On August 26, 1920, a law was ratified,   don’t care who you vote for, well I do but this
        as nothing of major import has transpired.   and women finally got the vote. But what   is not the venue, JUST VOTE. A LOT OF
        However, a major development occurred   did we really win? It was supposed to be   WOMEN SACRIFICED A LOT FOR THE
        earlier this month, which seems to have   a sign of equality. I’m still waiting for this   RIGHT FOR YOU TO VOTE. If you can’t
        energized this movement once again with   so called ‘equality’, you hear about it all the   do this, then I have a new store online that is
        a spectacular show of strength. “The huge   time, but where is it? We are underrepre-  doing better than I imagined. I can’t do it as a
        parade, which was spearheaded by Alice   sented in all public office. We do the same   store front, can’t seem to get a license. Ah you
        Paul and the National America Woman   work, yet get 80 cents, while if you have a   want to know what I am selling. Penises, not
        Suffrage Association, was held on March 3,   penis, you get $1.00. We must work harder to   the vibrating kind, the kind that gives you
        1913. Riding atop a white horse, lawyer and   prove ourselves. Don’t get me wrong things   confidence!

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