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The Story of Women’s Suffrage                            June 1873    caused the more radical women’s activists
        continues                  June 1867    Diary I am sure when Mother sees   like Elizabeth Stanton and Joslyn Gage to
                                            that I have written another piece about the   become even more militant.
           The end of the Civil War between the   movement she will not be happy. But I must
        states brought about the end of slavery with   remember that I am the editor and I must
        the passage of the 13th Amendment to the   decide what is noteworthy enough to make
        Constitution of the United States. The focus of   it in the paper. If I can write 4 paragraphs
        the movement now feeling vindicated by the   about Mrs. Thomas-Jones’ cat being rescued
        end of slavery as turned to getting the right   by a fireman as she got caught in the tree, I
        to vote for the Negro men and women, white   can write what I think is just as newsworthy.
        and Negro. The movement has seen many   The truth be known only to you Diary I was
        changes with the new influx of women and   so proud of Miss Anthony and the words she
        now men joining the movement. We invite   spoke for all women everywhere.
        all women and men to join our rally tonight
        at 8 p.m. to hear suffragist, Susan B. Anthony   The Story of Woman’s Suffrage
        speak. Donations accepted at the door.  by Elizabeth Baker Davis   June 22, 1873

                                   May 1870     On November 6, 1872, Miss Susan B.
           Diary such sad news to report, Father has   Anthony cast her ballot in favor of Ulysses
        died of consumption, after a yearlong battle   S. Grant for president; 2 weeks later she was
        with this dreaded disease. Mother has been a   arrested at her home. On June 17, 1873, just   February 1913
        rock and has handled all the funeral arrange-  five days ago, Richard Crowley stood in front   Diary, I never forgot you, but for so many
        ments while I have taken over the reins of   of 12 men to state the government’s case   years I have had to write and make sure the
        the paper. Father lived long enough to see the   against Ms. Anthony in a Canandaigua, New   paper survived with all the many news stories
        passage of the 15th Amendment to the Consti-  York courtroom. After presiding Judge Hunt   I had to write and edit through the years.
        tution, which gave the black man the right to   heard the testimony of 2 witnesses, the vot-  Mother has been gone for many years and I
        vote. As you can imagine this was a bitter blow   ing clerks that took Miss Anthony’s ballot,   retired from the day to day running of the pa-
        to the movement and it caused a division with-  Judge Hunt instructed Miss Anthony to rise   per. I am satisfied with the job Mitchell Green
        in the movement as many suffragists supported   and asked her if she had anything to say. The   is doing and I did a good job of grooming him
        this viewpoint. However, suffragists Anthony   following is the direct quote from Miss An-  for the last 5 years. I have been blessed with
        and Stanton did not and were furious over   thony: “Yes, your honor, I have many things   good health and I have continued to support
        the fact that the black man got the vote before   to say; for in your ordered verdict of guilty,   the movement for some 50 years now with my
        white women. Alas Father was right women   you have trampled underfoot every vital   Sunday sections, my many articles, my contri-
        still do not have the right to vote.   principle of our government. My natural   butions and when possible my attendance at
                                            rights, my civil rights, my political rights, my   events. I have been invited to a major function
           “Mother, did you hear the news today   judicial rights, are all alike ignored. Robbed   which will be held next month in Washington,
        about Miss Anthony? Well, she was arrested   of the fundamental privilege of citizenship,   D.C. I am eating my vegetables and taking my
        today at her home because she voted a couple   I am degraded from the status of a citizen to   vitamins to muster up this ole’ gray mare to
        of weeks ago on November the 5th.”  that of a subject; and not only myself indi-  attend one last event. I am taking you with me
           “Elizabeth, I know it is almost 1873. I   vidually, but all of my sex, are, by your hon-  dear Diary so I can document every minute.
        also know how hard the movement and Miss   or's verdict, doomed to political subjection   It is my understanding that the movement is
        Anthony has been working to get the vote for   under this, so-called, form of government.”   planning a parade to end all parades, I am
        women but breaking the law will not change   (Library of Congress) Some further conten-  anxious to see this and I will be seating with a
        the law. Besides, I thought we agreed that you   tious remarks were made by Miss Anthony   group of other long time supporters in a special
        would concentrate on the paper and less on   and then Judge Hunt ordered the court to   area designated for us located in a strategic
        your involvement with the movement.”  pass judgement. Miss Anthony was found   place to make sure we are able to see the entire
           “I haven’t said any more than a paragraph   guilty and was fined $100. It should be noted   parade. I promise to tell you all about it dear
        here and there Mother about the movement.   that 14 women were also arrested for the   Diary as you were with me at the beginning
        I have been careful as I know the majority of   same crime, the same day, yet Miss Anthony   of this journey and it should be noted you will
        the public do not support the movement. I   was the only case brought to trial.   also be with me until the end.
        have been cautious about using the paper as a   Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady
        platform for my passion, I thought you knew   Stanton formed NWSA or the National              March 1913
        that Mother. I also thought you supported the   Woman Suffrage Association that focused   Dearest, dearest Diary, I promised to tell
        movement and my involvement.”       their support behind the passage of a   you all about the parade in Washington, D.C.
           “Elizabeth I so support you, but at times   Constitutional amendment that guaranteed   but I am not sure that I will have the words
        your enthusiasm colors your judgment and I   women’s rights including the right to vote.   to tell you what I saw and what I felt. Firstly,
        just don’t want you to forget that your Father   Not to be out done, Lucy Stone and Julia   I am so proud to be a woman and to take my
        worked many years to make the paper a suc-  Ward Howe felt the need to for their own   place with other woman, who were present
        cess. And may I remind you that the paper is   association, the American Woman Suffrage   at this spectacular day. It took the special bus
        what pays the bills and allows you to support   Association, who focused on the right for a   that picked up a group of dignitaries (can you
        the movement with your time and your   woman to vote, but concentrated on a state   imagine I was a dignitary) almost an hour to
        money. Frankly, Elizabeth I am wondering if   by state to accomplish this. And by 1890,   get past the sea of spectators waiting to see the
        women will ever get the vote, look how long   these two association joined forces to form   parade. Finally arriving at the special area
        it has been since we spent that night in jail.   the National American Woman Suffrage As-  located in front of the Treasure Building, we
        Maybe it is time that you start spending your   sociation or the NAWSA, and they focused   were escorted to our seats. There was electric-
        time in other things.”              mainly on the woman’s right to vote. This   ity in the air and not a moment was waisted

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