Page 56 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 56
Ting Tang Walla Walla
Bing Bang, Love Me
By C. F. Illingworth
must say up front that the sub- special spell, she would then fall One country song I have got
I ect of love can’t be explained in madly in love with him. It began, to mention is “I'm Gonna' Hire
just a short article. I was reminded “Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing a Wino to Decorate Our Home”
just recently that there are many, Bang”. I wonder what he had to by David Frizzell”. The wife in the
many facets about love that most pay for that advice. Can you imag- song is so fed up with her stoned
people can’t explain. However, yes ine if you were a young woman husband crawling home after a
there is always a “however”; there and your boyfriend comes to you night at the bar, she decides to take
is one industry that always seems and begins to chant in a strange drastic action. She apparently loves
to have a definition of love, and way, expecting you to fall in love this guy so much that she is willing
that is the music industry. Many with him all of a sudden? You may to turn their home into a bar. Now,
musical artists have expressed want to consider running away, that’s got to be an extreme example
their love in Rock and Roll, Pop, very quickly. of true love.
Rhythm and Blues, as well as Another young fellow felt he There are many more love
Country, to name a few. needed some kind of medication songs that have endured through
If you’re a romantic, you may to help him with his love life. He the years, such as “When I Fall
have seen the movie “Casablanca”. went down to see a gypsy named in Love” and “The Way You Look
Do you recall the song that the Madame Rue. She mixed up a con- Tonight”. I’m sure that you can
piano player in Ricks Nightclub, coction in her sink, of all places, think of your favorite song that
Sam, was asked to play by Ingrid and called it “Love Potion Number you heard in high school, or per-
Bergman? Well, it was called “As Nine”. Have you ever heard of haps when you attended a musical
Time Goes By”. I don’t think Justin someone brewing up some illegal performance by your favorite
Bieber ever sang that particular stuff in their sink? Well maybe band. Sometimes when you hear
song, although the young singer once or twice, right? I don’t think your song on the radio, it takes
will tell you “That's what love this guy realized he was supposed you back to a special time. I know
is”, and I ‘m sure he’s an expert. to administer the potion to his it does for me. I personally think
Matthew Healy, of the musical girl; because after he drank the that if most people were to choose
group “The 1975”, sings the song hallucinatory brew, he was the one just one song that inspired love, it
“Me and You Together” with the kissing everything in sight, includ- would have to be "I Will Always
lyrics I've been in love with her for ing a cop on the corner. It was a Love You" by Whitney Houston.
ages”. Maybe he should just tell her good thing it wasn’t a female cop, Using songs to express love for
his feelings? And then there is that or he would have been charged your gal or your guy is probably
annoying crooner named Ali Gatie with sexual assault or harassment. something both of you can enjoy
who wants to know “What if I told I should reveal this now. In together, and isn’t that a good
you that I love you?” twelve times. addition to my enjoyment of Rock thing? Now, if I could only remem-
I never did hear her answer. and Roll, I also love to hear Coun- ber the words to “You're The One
Some of the strangest love try Music. Some of my favorite That I Want” I would be a happy
songs seemed to have been country love songs include; Kenny guy, and my wife would be shocked,
inspired by a lover seeking help, Rogers’ “Lady”, Patsy Cline’s “Cra- especially if I tried to sing it.
using some special words or zy”, Charley Pride’s “Kiss an Angel
incantations. One of my favorites Good Mornin”, and Tanya Tucker’s Mr. Illingworth is the author
was written in the late 50’s, “Witch “Two Sparrows in a Hurricane”. of two books. One is a comical,
Doctor”. A guy goes to a so called My wife enjoys “My Love, Take My country, family-themed book. The
“doctor”, only to have the doc Breath Away” by Berlin, as well second book is a memoir of his
give him something to say to his as the Statler Brothers’ “I’ll Go to childhood. They can be found at
intended love of his life. The idea My Grave Loving You”, and “Hello under
was that as soon as he repeated the Mary Lou”. C. F. Illingworth