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Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert
out their beautiful collections. Before you version, Doucet’s work has been exhibited Re-Current also provides a safe online
know it you will own a closet full of these globally, including the London Design space where they answer any hygiene
irresistible unique creations and will have Museum and the Biennale International questions, since talking about their bodies
everyone asking you where they too can Design in Saint-Etienne. He has received and hygiene should be normalized.
get theirs. numerous international awards, including We tried their amazing face wash. It is
a World Technology Award for Design a powdered wash that you simply sprinkle
27. The Vue Shield Innovation and multiple Good Design on your hand, add water and apply. This
Who would have thought that the Awards. He was also named the only ever product is all natural using reishi mush-
need for a covid-19 safety product would Avant Guardian for Design by Surface room, which has acne fighting properties
become a project for Designer Joe Doucet. Magazine. and it does not dry your skin. Two import-
Doucet is a winner of the Smithsonian If you want to be able to say that you ant qualities for our teens.
Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award as own a great designer’s newest creation We had not had the opportunity to try
Product Designer—the highest honor in pick up a Vue Shield or two today. Go to a product that uses reishi mushrooms, but
his field. today and order was thrilled to find that it has anti-inflam-
He saw the discomfort felt by many your Vue Shield. matory properties that help to mitigate
who found themselves forced to wear face * The Note, the CDC does not recommend skin inflammation that often causes
masks and shields to protect their health using face shields or goggles as a substitute for redness, damage, blemishes, etc. It is also
during a worldwide pandemic and decided masks. an effective antimicrobial agent that works
to create something that would be a better to stop the growth of microorganisms such
alternative. Enter his creation, the Vue 28. Recurrent as bacteria that lead to breakouts and as
Shield, a way to protect the wearer from When it comes to our skin, we all want an added plus it also has skin brightening
particles, spray and splashes in the work- to be certain that everything we use is not effects.
place, while shopping or during outdoor only effective but safe. We are even more We always support companies that
activities. There are other shields on the diligent in finding safe products when it do good, and re-current is definitely one
market, but they prove awkward and un- comes to what our young adults use. With of these fine companies. They donate
comfortable. The Vue Shield has integrated skin issues that are often more apparent products as well as a portion of sales to
sunglass lenses with arms that make the in teens, they tend to use more skin care Hope & Comfort, who then distribute these
shield feel more comfortable than other products and apply them more often products to teens who otherwise would
shields on the market. It also contains UVA, than we do. Thanks to co-founders Tamar not have access to their great products.
UVB and blue light protection. Rosenthal and Nava Unterman Ulmer there Any of us who have or have had teen-
Of course, the women in our office is now a line of non-toxic skin and hair agers know how important clear skin is to
found another great plus for this shield. products designed for this unique demo- them. So, visit their site at https://thisisre-
As one of our writers noted, “You can wear graphic. They understood that not only We recommend you pick up
a full face of makeup. I’m so tired of only are these young adults focused on looking the full product line from recurrent today.
wearing eye makeup. I can get back to good, but they also are socially responsible In addition to the face wash they also have
adding lipstick to my daily makeup appli- and care about the environment. In addi- an aluminum-free and scent free deodor-
cation.” tion, the labeling and product enclosed is ant and a 2:1 shampoo and body wash.
There are stylish options for both not gender-specific so it can be used by Your teen will thank you, and you will love
men and women, as well as a unisex clear all of our young adults, without hesitation. it as well.