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by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
Duo with Lavender Oil. Would you believe, specialized in research and development. Mother nature holds all the natural,
this silky-smooth lotion is created using He challenged the man with the idea earth grown remedies the company need-
fresh goat’s milk?! Made in Canada, using of extending the shelf life of the goat’s ed to proceed with their product devel-
the freshest ingredients, it provides a fab- milk products without deteriorating the opment. After two years of painstaking
ulous nourishing effect for your skin. The hydrating properties. In just a few years, research, formulation, re-formulation and
duo kit is the perfect gift idea for family and the Canus’ “Original Formula” was born testing, Hertime was born and Mixhers was
friends as wrapping is included! and became the best-selling bar soap in off and running. The catalyst behind this
If you are not familiar with Canus, you Quebec. Twenty years later, the company growth is Founder and CEO, Jess Toolson.
are missing out. The company contributes sells 70 goat’s milk products including Toolson was inspired after her own doc-
to nourishing a better world by offering body lotion, body wash, bar soap, bubble tor’s office experience. When her period
amazing skin care options using fresh bath, liquid hand soap, and more! These symptoms worsened after having twins
goat’s milk in all its products. Globally ingenious products are now also offered and the only suggested course of action
distributed, these premium products are in different fragrances such as Shea Butter, was unnatural and unhealthy, she was
manufactured in accordance with eco-re- Lavender Oil, Orchid Flower Extract, and motivated to find this natural and better
sponsible principles and values. With over Eucalyptus Mint. way of solving her problems. Since this day,
20 years in the industry, Canus brands To try these fabulous Canus products Toolson has met her goal of spreading this
100% Canadian Goat’s Milk skin care for yourself, visit https://canusgoatsmilk. goodness to women all around the globe.
products have breached many interna- com/. After living in numerous countries, she was
tional markets and adapted an enviable met with the realization that all women,
“green” approach to business. Founder and 18. Mixhers regardless of cultural background, battle
President, Andre Beauregard, named the Hormones out of whack? Sleeping be- this monthly pain and are often not given
company Canus after deciding to operate coming a daily struggle? Meet Mixhers. the proper tools to combat the issue. It
in both Canada and The United States and Mixhers is a new all-natural product was after this that she knew she needed to
wanting to appeal to both countries. The that aids females in dealing with their create a better way to live with hormones.
combination of these countries became monthly period. A company built by wom- The classic formula of Hertime Mixhers
a unique way to show the brands mass en, for women, Hertime makes it a habit was designed for those whose periods
appeal and distribution. of providing women with the nutrition and hormones are more regular. You
Over the years, Canus’ offerings merged their bodies need and allowing them to begin using the supplement 3 days prior
into the popular field of Aromatherapy by embrace their time of the month. to your cycle, or at the first signs of PMS
importing candles, home fragrances, in- If you’ve ever had the all too famil- symptoms. Taken daily throughout your
censes and more. After a discussion with a iar experience of asking your doctor for cycle, you will experience a period free of
client who requested goat’s milk products, assistance during your time of the month, cramping, bloating, moodiness, and even
Beauregard was inspired to look into in- you may have been met with this common period related acne. If you feel you have
creasing the shelf life of the natural remedy. response- Ibuprofen. After discovering that more severe or painful symptoms, Hertime
Originally only holding a 6-month shelf life many women have faced this conundrum, Complete Care Mixhers are your answer.
and ingredients being very expensive, this the women of Hertime found an incredible These transportable single serving packets
was a venture that required much research. Holistic Health Care Practitioner whose can be mixed with water and easily taken
Along his journey of discovery, Beaure- knowledge and understanding held the wherever and whenever you need them.
gard met a Procter & Gamble retiree who answer. The flavors are just like your favorite pow-