Page 35 - San Diego Woman interactive pdf
P. 35

ut Mommy, there’s    left for me to finish off that
        Bnothing to do! Seri-   bottle of rum. Yummmm.
        ously?!? Only 3 days after   The problem is this:
        Christmas, and my very   There is so much buildup
        creative and resourceful   and excitement and frenzy
        daughters are complaining   happening before that
        that they have nothing to   big day, there is equally
        do? Maybe this is their   as much expectation for
        way of breaking down after  the end result. Kids rip
        a quarantined holiday?   off paper, expecting gifts
        Maybe they didn’t get what   to be the answer to their
        they really wanted and this   ultimate happiness, when
        is their way of telling me?   the gift isn’t really what
        Maybe they got too much   they want or need anyway.
        stuff and are becoming   What they really want is to
        ungrateful because of it?   enjoy every new thing that
        Or maybe, just maybe,   is happening, no matter
        they are only kids and   how small, in their own
        don’t know how else to   time and pace; but most
        express the emptiness they   importantly, with us. It’s
        feel after the craziness that   us adults that cause all the
        is Christmas.           frenzy with the rushing
           You notice this “emp-  about, and all the things   Christmas Letdown
        ty” feeling right after the   that “need to get done.” I
        holiday which is relatively   always feel so disconnect-
        universal for kids and   ed with my kids during               Article & Photo by Lisa Lohani
        adults alike. We do so   the buildup before Christ-
        much to prepare: we dec-  mas because of everything
        orate, buy, bake, buy some   I feel I need to get done. I
        more, drink, wrap, buy   don’t spend as much time   the kids are finally doing   gathered and separated
        more last minute stuff, and   connecting with them and   what they used to do:   into their own special stor-
        then eat the stuff we baked   appreciating all the fun   getting creative with what   age place where, I have a
        as we drink a lot of spiked   stuff together as much as   they have around them.   strong feeling, will be kept
        eggnog and cider. It’s hard   I would like. Of course   This time, they decided to   in higher regard than most
        for kids too though. They   we have our traditions   collect rocks to find the   of the toys in their rooms.
        have to help decorate,   that we do together as a   “gems” inside. They asked   Even though I’m
        wait, help bake, wait some   family, but there is still a   me for a hammer, and I   the adult with more life
        more, get excited because   large amount of time of   reluctantly gave them one,   experience, my kids con-
        school is out, then wait   adults acting like headless   worried about hammered   tinuously teach me new
        some more. When the day   chickens.             fingers. My worry quick-  things about living. This
        finally comes, everything   Now, I’m not advo-  ly dissipated while I sat   time I learned that there
        turns into a frenzy of gifts,   cating we cancel gifts all   and watched them with   is much joy to be found
        sweets, gifts, more sweets,   together. That might be a   fascination as they uncer-  in simple discoveries of
        and more gifts! No wonder   little cruel at this point.   emoniously pounded each   the world around us, and
        there is a general sense of   No, I’m thinking some-  rock, one by one, to dis-  that it is important to
        letdown after everything   thing else needs to change   cover one of the beauties   stop and enjoy as much
        is over. It reminds me of   to help all of us feel less   of Mother Nature. It was   of it as we can, and most
        that feeling you get once   “empty” after the holidays.   so simple, yet surreal to   importantly, cherish that
        a really exciting, feel good   It’s been about a week after   see them become excited   joy with someone we love.
        movie ends, and the cred-  Christmas, and every-  about the colors, textures,   I think that if we took this
        its start playing to a song   thing has settled down   and crystals inside each   time to stop and enjoy
        that sounds like it belongs   to a normal pace around   and every rock. This   the spirit and joy of the
        in a dive bar at closing   our house. The Christmas   discovery probably lasted   holidays with our loved
        time. Major letdown. My   presents sit in a pile in   for about an hour, and was   ones as much as possible,
        spirits sort of lift though   their rooms, mostly forgot-  only brought to a close due   we might, at the end of it
        when I realize there is just   ten about, and not touched   to lack of sunlight. The   all, feel a little less empty
        enough cider and eggnog   since that big day. Outside,   remnants were carefully   inside.

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