P. 4
Letter From the Editor Letters to the
Dear Readers, Although it must have been de-
Life has certainly been a challenge over cades since I learned about the strug-
the past 18 months and for many of us, we gle women went through to earn the
are slowly easing back into life as we knew it, right to vote, “Yes, We Can,” was so
well written, and although a long arti-
with a few unexpected modifications. We have cle, I hung on every word. It made me
learned to compromise on how we live, work, feel good to be a woman and remind-
shop, and socialize. Sure, there have been dif- ed me that no matter what, I need to
Photo by Lisa K. Miller outcomes such as more time spent at home Catherine from Point Loma
vote. Our ancestors worked so hard
ficulties, but there have also been some positive
for the right, we must all respect it.
sharing some new traditions with our families
and having time to slow down a bit from our
What I love about your magazine
usual 100 mph days.
Our publication and all of us involved with
have had for years but were too em-
it, have also learned that we often have to do is you often answer questions that I
barrassed to ask. All my neighbors go
business a bit different than pre-pandemic. So, here we are learning patience to Pilates classes, and I felt stupid ask-
and respect in new ways, and it has probably made us all better and more ing what exactly it was. When I did the
answer was so ambiguous that I still
understandable humans. didn’t know. Your article on the topic
This issue takes a look at some amazing women, who we know you all helped me, and now I am thinking of
will want to get to know better. Our Cover Girl Windus Fernandez Brinkkord signing up with my neighbors. Thank
is an experienced financial planner who has spent her entire career helping you.
families to grow their wealth while planning for a healthy financial future. Not Roberta from Escondido
only does she become a guiding light to her clients, but a trusted friend as well,
C.F. Illingworth’s articles on Love
helping navigate some often choppy financial waters. You will love reading were so amusing. I loved the men-
her story about her family and career and by the end of the article, you will tion of some of the old songs that I
love her as much as we do. know and love. Somehow it seems
This issue focuses on many issues of importance to our readers, from that we had so many great songs that
both a physical and emotional perspective. Our column, “Ask Dr. Sudi” is we could relate to life. Somehow the
modern music now just doesn’t seem
always a safe open forum for our readers to have often personal medical the same. Thanks for bringing back
issues explained in easy-to-understand responses. If you have a question, no some good memories.
matter how sensitive a topic, Dr. Sudi will provide the answer. Write to her Matti from San Diego
at and watch for her response in upcoming issues.
Women are finally making inroads in working previously male only posi- Reading about all the ways wom-
tions within professional sports. Read our story on Samantha Gilmore, Mental en suffered during the pandemic was
Performance Coach, for the New York Mets. eye opening. I’m glad the sacrifices
made by moms are recognized. Ho-
Have you seen the women officiating both NBA and NFL games? Don’t meschooling has not been easy, but
miss the article on female NBA referees and see how women are finally mak- it has brought us closer to our kids.
ing the calls on the court. Unfortunately, it was often at the ex-
I love receiving your emails with questions, suggestions, and comments. pense of our careers, but hopefully,
Please keep them coming! things will be back on track shortly.
Enjoy these beautiful summer days and please pack this issue away in Lori from Ocean Beach
your beach bag for some fun reading on the beach.
Amy Forsythe is an inspiration.
Seeing women in such previously
Warm Regards, male professions makes my heart
Judith A. Habert swell. She is an incredibly brave
woman and a talented photogra-
Jean from Oceanside