P. 8
Women of Distinction
Windus Fernandez Brinkkord, AIF® CEPA
By Judith A. Habert
Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions
indus Fernandez Brink- the business, do I have enough
Wkord has dedicated her at that point to retire and not
career to helping others build work again? So, we want to
and maintain a secure financial make sure that we're working
future. This goal has always with people far enough out so
driven her throughout her that they can transition into
career. Windus is extremely retirement with no concern
dedicated to her clients and to about whether or not they're
the company for which she has going to outlive their money.”
been a part since she graduat- Windus works with some
ed college. clients who are conservatively
Windus is not only a na- invested, and that is fine, many
tive San Diegan, but her family people are risk adverse, but if
has been here since the 40s, you take the conservative route
“I grew up in Ocean Beach, then it means that you need to
but my family had been here save more to reach your goals.
since the 40s which makes my This is part of what Windus
children fourth-generation San can do for you. She can run the
Diegans.” numbers to help clients have a
As loyal as Windus is to better understanding of what
her hometown, she is equally they need to do, and how they
loyal to every single one of need to live to financially meet
her clients. Upon graduation those retirement goals. By
from the University of San doing so, she is empowering
Diego, Windus was not quite Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions her clients to understand all
certain what direction her the options they have.
career would take. She posted I asked Windus at what
her resume on “Monster” the age should we start think-
hot site at the time to get your ing about retirement. “You
start with a good company. She are never too young to start
interviewed with several com- planning for your retirement.
panies but when she met with We have clients who send
Trilogy Financial, she knew she that we can help them under- plan, the easier it becomes to their kids to us and I love it.
had found a home. “With Tril- stand all the pathways to sav- reach your goal and guarantee Educating them early about
ogy there was no limit on what ing, all of their options to get to that in your golden years you saving and planning will give
I could do. I could build my where they're trying to go.” won’t have to become a greeter them a great foundation for
own business. It would provide No matter what age or at Walmart, there is nothing their future.”
me with a good solid founda- what you do for a living, wrong with being a greeter if Windus has a wonderful
tion. It felt like the right fit.” Windus will help you set the that is what you want to do, relationship with her clients.
It turned out to be just course for your future and help but no one should have to take “What I love most about my
that, her first full-time job out you make sure that when the on a retirement job to subsi- relationship with my clients is
of college and she is still with time comes for you to retire, dize their retirement." that we spend a good amount
them today. I asked Windus that you have enough financial Windus shared the follow- of time just listening to them.
to explain what her position resources to do so comfort- ing, “I'm working with a busi- As a result, we know things
entails. “On a daily basis, our ably. "Many young people feel ness owner right now in the about them that even their
goal is to help work with clients they have plenty of time to process of selling their busi- own parents do not know. We
to understand what it is they're worry about retirement, but in ness, but they never stopped keep the confidences we are
trying to achieve financially so reality, the earlier you start to and asked themselves, if I sell given and are always a safe