P. 5
practice that credo. Her passion education, adoption, mother-
for travel has taken her to many ing, and local events. She is cur-
parts of the world. She is now fo- rently working on a memoir of
cusing on writing about her trav- her time in Zimbabwe as an En-
els and interviewing entertainers, glish teacher with the U.S. Peace
which is a great combo! Corps in the late ‘90s. Jessica
also enjoys spending time in the
Eastern Sierras, backpacking,
painting, and taking her chil-
Carol Heath Meredith Staggers dren on adventures in nature. Amy Cameron
Carol is a Certified Clinical Meredith Staggers is Found- O’Rourke
Master/Teacher; she is certi- er & owner of Cake & Confet- Amy Cameron O’Rourke is a na-
fied in a myriad of alternative ti. After working in the market- tionally known pioneer and ad-
modalities including Color and ing and event planning indus- vocate for senior care in the U.S.
Sound therapy, Chakra therapy, try for three years, Meredith She has been a professional care
Reflexology, Cranial and Lomi Dawn Nicoli launched her blog Cake & Con- manager for more than 40 years,
lomi massage and developed her fetti. Named Houston Tidbits with 20 of those years at the helm
own hands on healing method. For over 20 years Dawn has 2016 It Girl of Instagram, Mer- of The Cameron Group (now
owned and operated Nicoli edith also has an online pho- Arosa), which she founded, as
Productions, an environmental to styling class with Brit + Co Cedric X. Bryant, Ph.D well as O’Rourke & Associates in
portrait studio, run out of her available to teach creatives how Cedric X. Bryant, Ph.D., FACSM, Orlando, Florida. Amy is also the
two-acre property in Escondi- to style beautiful photos. is president and chief science of- author of The Fragile Years.
do. Starting a new chapter of her ficer at the American Council
life, when serenity has become on Exercise. He stewards ACE's
so important, Dawn spends her development of strategies to de-
time in her palapa tree house liver exercise-science and behav-
with her dog, Karma. exploring ior-change education in ways
the world of writing.
Charles Illingworth that are engaging and compel-
ling, recruiting more people to
Charles frequently writes hu- become exercise professionals
morous and heartwarming short and health coaches and equip-
stories, and is often quite full of Diana Nackley ping them for growth in their re- Lily Smith
himself. He seems to take pride spective fields. Lily Smith is a teen writer and
in embarrassing his kids and Diana has over twenty years of ex- Authorpreneur. She specializes in
grandchildren whenever he can. perience teaching both elementa- a variety of fictional works, short
In addition to writing numer- ry and middle school students. story, and poetry. Dedicated to
ous satirical articles for a local She began writing poetry when the mission of “Authorpreneur-
newspaper, as well as authoring Lisa Lohani she was 14 years old and has writ- ship,” Lily seeks to build a com-
two very well written books, so ten three children’s books. She is munity of other teen authors and
he says, his goal is to bring joy Lisa Graduated with a BA in currently working on a novel en- a following through her works.
Psychology and started her ca-
and contentment into his read- titled, “My Alter Ego: How I Sur-
ers life. He writes under the by- reer writing and editing proce- vived Seventh Grade as a Walk-
line C F Illingworth. dures for a local manufacturing ing Lightning Rod.”
company. After about 13 years, Maggie Ramos
she quit her job to spend more
time with her kids. Since then, Maggie Ramos is a student at
MiraCosta College and is artisti-
she has spent a good deal of her
time figuring out ways to enter- cally multi talented. She is a great
writer, painter and a skilled pho-
tain and educate her kids with-
out going insane. She entered tographer, thanks to several re-
cent courses. She puts her soul
the writing scene to help share Laura Cisneros
her creative ideas with others in and heart in every piece she cre- Laura Cisneros is a quantum bio-
ates. Her art and writing pieces
a simple and fun way. Fern Schumer physical psychotherapist, with
Jaime V. Habert tend to be very emotional. Mag- more than twenty years of expe-
gie creates art based on self expe-
Jaime is the Managing Editor of Chapman riences and from experiences of rience in family, personal, and
San Diego Woman and a free- Fern Schumer Chapman is the those around her. 760-695-2525. couple consultation. She is also a
lance writer out of Carlsbad, author of several award-winning host and producer of various ra-
CA. She loves to document top- books, including Motherland, dio programs for more than ten
ics of health and fitness, entre- which was a finalist for the Na- years, lecturer and instructor in
preneurship, and body image. tional Jewish Book Award. Her human capital training.
Her dream is to have a not-for- work has appeared in many pub-
profit which empowers young lications including the Chica-
girls to focus on their goals in go Tribune, Forbes, The Wash-
the business world. Stephanie Lee ington Post, Fortune, USA To-
Stephanie has been teaching fit- day, and The Wall Street Journal.
ness since 1994 when she first For more information about her
became certified by AFAA (Ath- work, please visit
letics and Fitness Association of Robin Dohrn-Simpson
America) as a Group Fitness In- Robin is a San Diego-based wine,
structor. She took her initial Mat beer, food and travel writer. Rob- Kiera Donnelly
Pilates training in London, UK in was in the travel industry for Kiera Donnelly is a student that
when she was preparing to be 26 years and suffers from an ex- loves to write. She began her
Fitness Director aboard a cruise treme case of wanderlust and is al- journey in writing when she was
Debbie Storms ship. Her fascination with this ways out exploring. Robin holds a younger writing short stories and
Bachelor’s Degree in International songs. At 13 years old Kiera’s big-
very effective fitness format grew
Debbie has enjoyed many careers and soon she began to specialize Business and a Professional Cer- gest writing accomplishment is
from accountant to air traffic in core work. She is excited to in- tificate in the Business of Wine getting published in San Diego
controller. She believes life is an troduce others to the mental and Jessica Petrencsik at San Diego State University. To Woman Magazine. Kiera lives in
adventure to be lived to its full- physical aspects of this dynamic Jessica is a freelance writer and see where she is currently explor- San Diego and participated in a
est. Growing up in New Jersey, work. She can be found through editor, covering topics in the ar- ing check out her website at: www. sport called field hockey, she also
she learned life skills to help her eas of business, social justice, loves to volunteer.