P. 10
Women of Distinction
going through the whole fer- to firm never gaining traction go for it. Because the older money, but when asked, could
tility process we would adopt.” at one firm and this can be very you get, the harder it becomes never tell you where their
Kurt and Windus fostered to toxic to your career.” to start a new profession. I feel money went. There are many
adopt through the County of With such a demanding that if you have the luxury to tools out there that you can use
San Diego. Today they have job, it requires an understand- commit to this career out of to create a budget so you can
two beautiful children, Bradley ing family to be successful. “It college and connect with the see what you actually spend to
who is 10 ½, and Eloise who is helps to have a husband and right firm, then that's going live your current lifestyle. We
9 ½, and are biological siblings. kids that are understanding be- to be the most rewarding path have even had clients who were
Which is a unique situation. cause it is tough when you have for you to have long-term afraid to spend any money for
“We were about to take Bradley to be away a long time.” success.” the fear that they wouldn’t have
on a trip for his first birthday enough for their retirement.
and since he wasn’t fully adopt- This too was affecting their life-
ed yet, I called my social worker style, after all, you can’t take it
to tell her and she said his sister with you. So, you need a balance
was just born today, and we that fits your retirement plan.
would love for you to adopt her The second tip I would give is
as well. So, we met her at five never try to time the market.
weeks of age and adopted her as They have to realize that we are
well.” With all of this going on going to have presidents coming
Windus and Kurt were forced and going and taxes are going
to deal with a lot early in their to increase and decrease and
marriage, including personally state taxes are going to change
seeing how even the tempo- constantly, depending on who
rary disability of a mate could is in office. And in the end, the
impact your financial plan. thing that makes you the most
I asked Windus what she money is investing for your time
would recommend to readers horizon and not overthinking
who may be considering a it. My third tip is don’t cave into
career in financial services. “It fear-based advice. Don’t listen
can be a very challenging career to those telling you to buy a
path. But for me, it's very re- product because it has a guar-
warding. It just requires a lot of antee. Not all financial advisors
hard work. This is not a career are properly licensed. If they are
path where you are going to only licensed to sell insurance
have easy success in three years products, then that is all they
and climb a corporate ladder. will advise you to buy.”
I’m lucky in that I am with a Windus reminds readers,
great firm; it has been amazing, “You need to do what is best for
but it took about seven years to you. A good Financial Advisor
really build a foundation where will listen to your needs, discuss
I could earn enough money the lifestyle you wish to have
and have peace of mind on an when you retire and will guide
annual basis. However, having What path should a person Having time to spend with you on the path to get you to
said that, the relationship I have take who wants to be a Finan- a financial professional allowed where you want to be.”
with my clients is unique. It's a cial Advisor or work in the me to find out what we should If you are looking for
long-term friendship. What is financial industry? all know when it comes to advice from a Financial Advisor
really neat about what I do for a “There wasn't really a building wealth and protecting with a long career and great
living, is that there are no limits Financial Advisor major or it so we can have a worry-free relationships with her clients,
on what you can earn. You college courses when I was retirement. many of whom are long-term
have the ability to really grow going through college, but The key concepts that clients, you need to look no
an incredible book of business. there are college courses now Windus shared are the follow- further than Windus Fernandez
So, it's just a time commitment. that I think are helpful. Much ing, “Always know where your Brinkkord.
A lot of people in my industry like being a doctor, if you are money is going. I’ve had several
are looking for a place where going to be a doctor one of the clients over the years who came Contact Windus by email at
the grass is greener; they are best paths is to decide right to me with no idea where their
constantly moving from firm out of college and own it and money was going. They spent or by phone at 858 314 5169