P. 12

Women of Distinction

               elia Passi was the                                                         nately there is not enough
               publisher of Work-                                                         transparency in healthcare
       Ding Woman and                                                                     yet. There are not enough
        Working Mother magazines,                                                         resources or tools. We need
        so she was already helping                                                        it, we just don’t have it.”
        women empower them-                                                                  This was the turning
        selves within the business                                                        point for Delia. She made a
        world. What would happen                                                          decision to leave her career
        later, after an unexpected                                                        in publishing to start a com-
        diagnosis, would completely                                                       pany that would help edu-
        turn her world upside down                                                        cate and empower so that
        and set a whole new fire                                                          no other woman would ever
        and passion into her goal                                                         have to go through what
        to helping other women,                                                           she did. Thus, the Women’s
        leading to the start of the                                                       Choice Award was born.
        Women’s Choice Awards.                                                               The Women’s Choice
           Delia was only 42 at the                                                       Award (WCA) is a free
        time when she agreed to get                                                       resource that collects and
        a mammogram to support                                                            uses women’s experiences
        her nervous best friend.                                                          across the nation to find and
        When the results were                                                             rate the best of the best in
        in, Delia’s friend was told                                                       healthcare, brands, compa-
        everything was fine. De-                                                          nies to work for, financial
        lia’s results came back with                                                      advisors, cars, and colleges.
        suspicious calcifications and                                                     WCA does the research to
        was told that she needed to                                                       find the best in just about
        come in for more testing.                                                         everything in life so that
        “That day changed my life”                                                        you don’t have to. And,
        she said. During recovery                                                         even though WCA uses a
        from a surgical biopsy, the                                                       woman’s high criteria for
        doctor unceremoniously                                                            selection, the resource is
        told her those dreaded       Helping Women                                        beneficial for men too!
        words: “YOU’VE GOT                                                                   Now, ten years from its
        CANCER.”                                                                          inception, the WCA is “the
           Shocked, Delia’s first                                                         leading and only resource
        thought was “I have three   Help Themselves                                       that ranks and rates mam-
        little girls and I’m going to                                                     mogram centers, com-
        die.” Rather than wallow in                                                       prehensive breast centers,
        grief, Delia knew she need-                                                       and all service lines for the
        ed to focus on a treatment                   By Lisa Lohani                       hospital.” The WCA comes
        plan. The problem: There                 Photos courtesy of Delia Passi           from a woman’s perspec-
        were no solid resources tell-                                                     tive, and therefore is “based
        ing her where she should go                                                       on a very high criteria. We
        to get her diagnostic work   decision of my life” she     “How the hell did this   are the only award in the
        done.                      said. That decision led to   happen to me?” Delia asked   country that will not sepa-
           “I was very resourceful,   multiple misdiagnosis,   the doctor after her mastec-  rate clinical outcomes from
        but I couldn’t find anything   two lumpectomies, and a   tomy. The doctor responded   patient experience.”
        to get me through this     call from the doctor to say   that it was because of where   The WCA has been
        moment and time. I felt so   that they still found more   she got her tests done. Delia   changing the lives of
        terribly isolated that I was   cancer and that they would   asked “Ok, how was I sup-  women across the country
        devastated.”               have to take even more out.   posed to know any different?   by showing them better
           Due to lack of clear    She said “Ok, just take the   Show me one place online   options for getting the best
        direction for good test-   damn breast! Who needs     where it rates and ranks    healthcare available. One
        ing sites, Delia ended up   the damned breast! I have   where to go for a mammo-  woman of 89 shared that
        going to a local hospital   almost nothing left of me,   gram. Show me anything.   her doctor would no longer
        with a breast imaging      just take it! So I ended up   All it lists are places to go.”   perform mammograms for
        center. “That was the worst   with a mastectomy.”     He said, “Well, unfortu-    her because she was over

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