P. 16

SDWM Book Review

                                     Carlsbad Mom Finds a Unique Solution

                                    to a Common Problem in Her Children’s

                                                Book, “The Growing Bed”

                                                           By Diana Nackley
                                                       Photos courtesy of Rebecca Linney

                                   North County to raise their family.  growing takes place in their bed,
                                   Linney was lucky and had a baby   so that means when he doesn’t
                                   boy, but as she said, “We got un-  sleep in his own bed, he’s not
                                   lucky with the sleep part with our   growing, and mommy and daddy
                                   son.” Having a child sleep in your   are very tired the next day. Her
                                   bed every night can be tough. Lin-  son eventually understood that if
                                   ney said, “There were days when   he slept in his own bed, he would
                                   I was shopping in Costco and I   grow and then he’d be able to
                                   would have lain on the floor to   ride the roller coaster, slide down
                                   take a five-minute nap if I could.”   the water slide, and get a big kid
                                   She and her husband spent a lot of  booster seat just like his friends.
          t’s a common scenario that plays  time and money on sleep training.   Linney says, “It was a lightbulb   Growing bed worked for Linney’s
        Iout in thousands of homes every  “I’ve tried it all,” she quipped.   moment for him, too, and it dras-  family, so she hopes it is one more
        night. You put your child to bed,   Being tired all the time is not a   tically changed the sleep behavior   tool that other families can use to
        then go back to your room to   healthy way to live because you   in our house in a wonderful way.”   address the problem of sleepless
        embark on a good night’s sleep.   are not at your best at all. It is not   It took a few months for her son   nights.
        But sometime during the night,   good for the child or the marriage.  to stay in his own bed through the   “The Growing Bed” has already
        your son or daughter wakes up   The concept for the book grew  night. At that point, he was four   received good reviews from pedi-
        and crawls into your bed making a  out of her experience with her   years old. He is seven and a half   atricians, licensed family marriage
        good night’s sleep elusive for both   son not sleeping in his own bed.   now, and the “Growing Bed” has   therapists, and a sleep trainer.
        parents and child. This personal   She told her idea to a few friends   made a world of difference in their  Her publisher even told her that
        experience is what inspired first-  and enough people said that it   lives. Even now, when they go to a   she had seven grandchildren and
        time author, Rebecca Linney, to   would be an excellent book. The   hotel with two beds, Linney asks   wished she had this book when
        write her children’s book, “The   seed was planted, and she wrote   her son which one the growing   she was raising her family. Linney
        Growing Bed.” It is a delightful   the story. A close friend was also   bed is, and he chooses one, and   already has another children’s book
        story that offers a unique solution   writing a book at the same time,   that is his bed.   idea in her head on a more serious
        to a common problem many par-  and she put Linney in touch with   Linney says that the “Growing  topic, but with a twist that children
        ents face when raising a family.  her publisher.      Bed” also nurtures the empathetic  could relate to. The public release
           “I never set out to be an au-  Linney explains that the   side of a child and that it is never   for “The Growing Bed” was August
        thor,” Linney commented, “Being   “Growing Bed” came from two   too early to instill empathy in   3, 2021. The book is available on
        an author was never a dream of   pain points. Her son was not   young children. The book shows   Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You
        mine. It’s an accidental occupa-  sleeping through the night in   how a child’s behavior affects oth-  can order copies from Linney at
        tion” Linney grew up planning   his own bed, “So that was my   er people. She told her son that his She will
        to marry and have a family, and   husband’s and my pain point.”   sleeping in their bed made them   ship those out the day she receives
        she eventually became the mom   Her son’s pain point was that he   sad because they were waking up   the order. If customers order
        of a child who didn’t want to   was very small for his age and he   tired, and no four- or five-year-old  through the website, Linney can
        sleep, especially in his own bed.   was constantly getting frustrated   wants to make their parents sad.   sign and personalize each copy.
        Linney’s background is actually   because his friends, who were the   The book not only helps solve a   Linney hopes that “The Grow-
        in broadcast journalism and she   same age or younger, were able to   common problem many parents   ing Bed” does well and for her, as
        has a degree in Communications.   ride on roller coasters, go down   face, but it also touches on raising  a working mom who wrote a book
        She was born in North Carolina   water slides, and sit in a big kid   an empathetic child. Linney   about something she struggled
        to military parents and lived there   booster seat well before he was,   hopes that this book will reso-  with, it will inspire other moms to
        until she was four years old. At age  and he didn’t understand why.   nate with other families so that   keep at it and trust your gut. It’s
        five, Linney’s dad was stationed   Linney had a lightbulb moment to   kids and parents can get a good   important to realize that if you’re
        at Camp Pendleton, so the family   connect her son’s pain point with   night’s sleep. It shows a win-win   doing one thing, and it doesn’t
        moved to California. After her   her pain point and that’s the day   balance. Parents are getting their   work, try something different. “It
        parents’ divorce, her mom, sister,   the “The Growing Bed” was born.   sleep and the child is getting what  doesn’t mean you’re a bad mom, it
        and she stayed in North County   She explained to her son that when  they want, too; becoming bigger   just means that you’ve got to find a
        where she graduated from Carls-  he’s not sleeping in his own bed at   and taller and being able to do   different way to connect with your
        bad High School and eventually   night, he’s not growing. Mommy   the things that other kids can do.   kid.” And “The Growing Bed” is
        attended college out of state.   and daddy are done growing, so   “There’s so many ways to solve a   one way to make that connection
           In 2013 after living in down-  when they go to bed, they are   problem, and I searched high and   so that everyone in the family can
        town San Diego for a few years,   relaxing and getting ready for the   low for something that worked   enjoy a good night’s sleep.
        she and her husband moved to   next day. She told him that no   for our family.” The concept of the
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