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symptoms not only can be man-  it is almost impossible to find a   like the pills that we currently
                                   aged but also you can feel better   physician who has the expertise   prescribe to some patients after
                                   than how you felt before your   to provide hormonal treatments   their breast cancer surgery and
                                   symptoms began.             for all of our symptoms without   radiation, in order to reduce the
                                      Menopause doesn’t happen   hesitation.              breast cancer reoccurrence.
                                   overnight. The hormonal decline   The root of a physician’s   The benefits of this hormone
                                   begins in your thirties. For ex-  hesitation to offer hormonal   were discovered by Dr. Bennink
                                   ample, women start losing bone   treatment to a woman experi-  in 2015 and it is currently close
                                   density from age 30, however   encing these symptoms is partly   to becoming available to women
                                   as physicians we test a wom-  valid and partly due to the lack   in Europe and hopefully soon, to
                                   an’s bone density from age 50   of training and/or experience   women in the USA.
                                   onwards. (American Association   of the physicians in the area of   In the meanwhile, my recom-
                                   recommends DEXA at age 50).  hormone treatment.        mendation is to seek an experi-
                                      A woman could be experi-
                                                                                          enced physician’s care and dis-
                                                                 A survey of residency pro-
        Ask Dr. Sudi               encing hormonal changes and   grams across internal medicine,   cuss the use of hormonal creams
                                                                                          or vaginal suppositories rather
                                   a decline in her wellbeing for up
                                                               family medicine, and gynecology
                                   to two decades before feeling
                                                               the physicians in training have
                                   justified to search for treatment.  residence has demonstrated that   than taking hormonal pills.
                                                                                             In the past 20 years of my
                                      The definition of perimeno-
          By Dr. Sudabeh Moein     pause and menopause can     maybe 1 or 2 total hours focused   practice, I have had great suc-
                                                               on menopause. The same survey
                                                                                          cess with treating my patients’
              Moein Health         restrict a woman from believ-  has demonstrated that only   symptoms prescribing mostly
                                   ing that she is having multiple   about 7% said that they felt   hormonal creams and/or suppos-
           “ I am 45 years old and I have   symptoms due to a decline in her   prepared to treat menopausal   itories.
        all the symptoms my mother had   hormonal balance. A classic and   women.            I believe that the secret to my
        when she was going through   complex example is that women   Part of the fear and discom-  success is partly due to my train-
        menopause. I’ve tried getting   experience a decline in their sex   fort of the physicians in their   ing in the field of integrative and
        care but it seems like there is no   drive long before discussing it   hesitation to initiate a conver-  holistic medicine which equipped
        standard for treatment. Where   with their physician. Another   sation about menopause with   me with the knowledge to look
        can I get help? What is going on   example is, in women with a   their patients is due to the fear   at every patient as an individual
        with my body? How can I reverse   history of depression or anxiety   of medical/ legal consequences,   with unique needs. This gave me
        these symptoms? Are there any   who experience worsening of   partly due to lack of experience   the ability to treat them holistical-
        treatment options for me?”  their symptoms in their 40’s and   and partly due to the increasing   ly in order to create a balance in
                                   not knowing that a decline in sex   of a patient’s risk of breast cancer   their health and wellbeing. This
           “Sometimes around age 40,   hormones (estrogen, proges-  from hormone therapy. (HRT)  was accomplished by providing
        the perimenopause changes be-  terone, testosterone) affects a   Results of past published   them advice on how to take part
        gin:   Maybe hair frizzes. Perhaps   decline in their cognitive func-  medical studies, which contained   in improving their diet, take prop-
        nails become brittle. The tummy   tioning and mood.    some inaccurate data, caused   er supplements and nutrients,
        might sprout an additional layer   In some cases, when a wom-  undue concern. This data, which   increasing their physical activity
        of fat. Periods may get shorter,   an goes through perimenopause,   was later corrected, caused fear   and practicing mindfulness on a
        or longer, or heavier, or lighter,   we discover that they have had   among the medical community   daily basis while receiving HRT to
        or could become wildly unpre-  depression and anxiety from a   and patients as well. This fear   help their transition.
        dictable. There could be vaginal   young age, that they have coped   increased the gap and caused   I don’t envision any patient
        dryness. Or brain fog. Moodiness.   with without seeking treatment   a delay in seeking care on the   being on HRT for the rest of their
        Anxiety.”                  and now they are worse due to   patient's behalf       life if they commit to daily mind-
           Here is a list of all the   the compounding effect of their   Nineteen years later, we   fulness, exercise, and healthy
        overwhelming symptoms that a   decline in their sex hormones.  now know that the risk of breast   eating. I have enjoyed observing
        woman can experience while go-  Some of the symptoms of   cancer for women on HRT is .03%   my patients in the journey of
        ing through perimenopause: ir-  perimenopause are directly   higher than women without HRT.    their healing and recovery from
        regular periods, hot flashes, night   related to our esthetics and   (The fact is that those women   their symptoms by way of taking
        sweats, loss of libido, vaginal   beauty. A classic example is a   who have been diagnosed with   control of their decisions and
        dryness, mood swings, brain fog,   change in our hair and skin and   breast cancer have a lower rate   actions related to their health
        panic disorders/attacks, anxiety,   we relate that to “natural aging“,   of death from breast cancer in   and wellbeing.
        irritability, depression, difficulty   but secretly it is frustrating for a   comparison with women who   I strongly believe that no
        concentrating, hair loss, unex-  woman to observe the changes   did not receive HRT).   woman should suffer from the
        plained dizziness, fatigue, sleep   and not have a medical solution   I am not downplaying the   34 symptoms we listed at the
        problems, bloating, weight gain,   at her disposal.    risks of breast cancer associated   beginning of this article. These
        stress incontinence, brittle nails,   Estrogen has been known   with HRT, however, in the past   symptoms should be used as a
        osteoporosis, irregular heartbeat,   to directly improve the quality   18 years, the field of HRT has   tool to address future negative
        allergies, changes in body odor,   of human hair and skin and yet   advanced in a very satisfactory   health outcomes such as heart
        headaches and migraines, breast   there is no easy access to this   way that not only reduces the   disease, osteoporosis, Alzhei-
        pain, joint pain, burning mouth,   hormone for a woman who   risks but also has the potential   mer’s, etc.
        electric shocks, gum problems,   wants to slow down her hair loss   to prevent breast cancer in some
        digestive problems, dry and itchy   or the rapid appearance of the   women.         Dr. Sudi is available to answer
        skin, tingling extremities, and   wrinkles on her face and neck.  The latest new hormone that   any and all questions you
        muscle tension.               There are many more symp-  is not yet available for use in the   might have. Nothing is taboo.
           You may be surprised and   toms that are related to the fluc-  USA is called ESTRETOL, which   If you have a question for
        overwhelmed by this list, but the   tuation or decline of our physical   has been shown to reduce meno-  Dr. Sudi please contact her at
        good news is that all of these   and mental wellbeing; however,   pausal symptoms and functions

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