P. 9

Women of Distinction

        place with whom our clients   my opinion doesn't matter. So,   "I am seeing a lot of women   folio of products that met the
        share their deepest concerns. I   I try to carefully step back and   doing their planning without   needs of each individual client.
        want them to feel like there is   help frame the conversation.   their husbands. They are taking   As the industry changed and
        no judgment and everyone gets  For example, right now people   matters into their control. To-  the nature of those products
        to decide how they spend their   are worried about inflation, but  day we sometimes see couples   changed, the three points of
        money. I am just here to make   when you take rolling periods   where one person is leading the  the Trilogy logo came to stand
        sure that how you spend your   of inflation into consideration,   conversation for both, but we   for our clients past, present,
        money does not allow you to   I think that the media is mak-  also see situations where cou-  and future.”
        dig yourself into a financial   ing you afraid of inflation. Not   ples are just doing their own   Windus spends a lot of
        hole that you cannot dig your-  that there isn't a concern about   planning separately. For the   time with her clients, provid-
        self out of in the future.”   inflation, but is the concern   most part, couples come in to   ing personal service to each
           The question that weighed   as significant as the media is   do the planning together and   one. I asked her what happens
        heavily on my mind was     making it out to be? No, not   everyone is playing a role in it."  if she makes a recommenda-
        how did your clients weather   yet. And it doesn't mean it   Windus has been with   tion to a client, but they don’t
        the Pandemic? “During the   might not become a bigger   Trilogy Financial for 18 years.   agree with what she advises.
        Pandemic, we saw a lot of fear   concern, but I think we have to   In the financial industry, this is   “It happens occasionally. For
        which meant that people were   be careful when the media is   extremely rare. Often Planners   example, I am working with
        investing more conservatively   impacting us to the extent that   outgrow the company they   a client right now that wants
        than they would normally in-  it is right now.”       start with, and as they learn   to pay off her mortgage even
        vest. That impacts our clients.   Due to the Pandemic,   more about their business they   though it may not be the right
        Due to this, a lot of clients   Windus is finding more people   will move on to firms, they feel   move financially. Her mort-
        missed out on a very signifi-  coming to her to make sure   are more suitable. It is obvious   gage rate is low and by using
        cant year of growth. However,   they can actually retire and   that Windus is a huge propo-  her cash resources to do so,
        I would rather they could sleep   not outlive their money. The   nent of Trilogy Financial to   it could mean she might not
        at night and stay invested, then   pandemic made many people   have stayed with the same firm   have enough savings to be
        being riskier than they should   more ready to retire. It made   since 2003.      certain she does not outlive her
        have been. I didn't want them   people realize that slowing   I asked her to tell me a bit   money. We discuss what I feel
        losing sleep because they are   their life down a bit might not   about Trilogy Financial. “We   is best for her financial future,
        watching their account balanc-  be such a bad thing and wasn’t   were founded in 1999 by Jeff   but there are times when
        es bounce around a lot.”   as scary as they once thought it   Motske and Kevin Mackintosh   clients feel very strongly about
           Some of what Windus     might be.                  on the concept that the triangle  doing something that might
        does at Trilogy Financial is   Many financial profession-  making up the Trilogy logo   not be the best move for them.
        managing expectations and   als have an ideal client that   stood for tax, financial, and es-  Ultimately, it is their decision
        making sure that her client’s   they enjoy working with, so I   tate planning. We felt that the   to make. We might just have
        investments are not causing   posed the question to Windus.   financial planning component   to find a way to work around it
        them indigestion and sleep-  “The best part about what I do   needed to be a collaboration   so that in the end they are still
        less nights. “Politics seems to   at Trilogy is that I run a team   between you and your other   able to live the financial life
        matter now more than ever, or   here. Our team includes six   professionals. We didn't think   they want."
        maybe it just feels that way. It   members and is varied so we   that the one side of the triangle   Windus and her husband
        seems to be playing a bigger   can handle just about any type   could do their job effectively   Kurt have been together for the
        role in people’s financial plans.   of client. I like to handle the   for you without, the other   past 17 years. They met at an
        Either election result would   most complex cases, but we   two professionals working in   industry function when Win-
        have left someone upset. I   have advisors at different stag-  unison. The second element of   dus was about six months into
        must remind my clients that   es of their career, and we are   Trilogy is that we have always   her career with Trilogy; they
        they should not make deci-  ready to help anyone regardless  been independent, meaning   were married a year later.
        sions about their investments   of where they're at. No client is   we're not tied to products   Together Windus and Kurt
        because of their political   turned away. You don’t have to   and services. Kevin and Jeff   have navigated through family
        beliefs.”                  have $500,000 to become a cli-  left their previous company.   illnesses and loss. “In the first
           I asked Windus if she   ent. We help grow your wealth   They felt that they were often   few years of marriage we went
        finds that these days clients   and manage it as well."  required to select only insur-  through a lot, Kurt’s mother be-
        are relying on information     For many years, finan-  ance products because those   came ill and moved in with us,
        garnered from the Internet or   cial professionals found that   were the products that their   and passed one year later, and
        other news sources that may   married women tended to let   company promoted. They   then Kurt was diagnosed with
        not be accurate. “Yes, all the   their husbands control that   wanted to have the freedom to   cancer, so we went through a lot
        time. It makes me sad. But   portion of their relationship.   select investment products for   in our first few years. Then we
        again, because my job is solely   This is changing, perhaps more   their clients that they felt were   dealt with infertility issues and
        to create a safe environment,   than we have seen in the past.   necessary for a balanced port-  we both decided that instead of

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