P. 15
Carlsbad Dental Care
Creating Beautiful
When I was growing up one of the things
most of my friends were concerned about
was whether or not they would have to
wear braces. In those days, there was no
alternative to having a mouth full of metal,
if you wanted to one day have a beautiful Dr. Gary Braunstein, owner of Carlsbad In interviewing Dr. Braunstein he explained
smile. Luckily things have improved greatly Dental Care, in his usual manner of being the advantages of the use of the iTero El-
since those times, thanks to the creation of on the cutting edge of new technology, ement® scanner. “With this scanner, no
Invisalign. This breakthrough product has has just added the latest addition to the In- impressions are required. The scan takes
become extremely popular. Aside from the visalign program the iTero Element® scan- about 15 minutes to complete and anoth-
obvious cosmetic improvement Invisalign ner which takes a fast and precise 3D dig- er 15 minutes, while the computer image is
uses a different tooth straightening meth- ital scan of your teeth. It then constructs designed. So, in just 30 minutes, you will be
od which is a gentler and safer alternative a custom treatment plan and presents it able to view the final results accomplished
to the old-style braces. Aside from this In- to you so you can see exactly what your with Invisalign.”
visalign has proven to be extremely effec- teeth will look like once the treatment is
tive. completed. This eliminates the need for With a practice that is focused on, Implants,
impressions, which take time and are of- Invisalign, and Cosmetic Dentistry you can
One of the main differences between the ten found inadequate in the end. This also be certain that you are in great hands with
old-style braces and Invisalign is that they allows the patient to see what the results the team at Carlsbad Dental Care.
are removable plastic dental trays that you of Invisalign will be at their very first ap-
place over your teeth. They’re usually made pointment. See Below for Current Specials at Carlsbad
from either transparent plastic or a type of Dental Care:
ceramic that seamlessly matches the natu- Many people wonder how these invisible
ral white shade of your teeth. braces work. There are two types of forces DR. BRAUNSTEIN IS CURRENTLY OFFERING
that can cause stationary objects to move, A $500 DISCOUNT OFF the Invisalign treat-
As your teeth are slowly and gently reposi- pull force and push force. The old-style ment when a patient elects to start with In-
tioned the trays are replaced bi-weekly al- braces used pull force which was found to visalign after seeing the scan at their first
lowing your dentist or orthodontist to make cause mild pain, bleeding, and gum sensi- appointment.
subtle adjustments as needed. Another tivity. Invisalign uses a gentle push force,
great benefit of Invisalign is that the trays which causes teeth to rotate as they gen- DR. BRAUNSTEIN IS CURRENTLY OFFERING A
are removable, you can continue to brush tly shift into place. The result is a pain-free FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION, at either lo-
your teeth and floss as usual throughout process with no risk of bleeding. cation below, which includes a 3D (cone
your treatment. Invisible braces are all but beam) X-ray. He is also offering a $500 dis-
undetectable to the casual observer, but Invisalign can help with over or underbites, count off implants, which include the im-
people might be able to tell you’re wearing crooked teeth, spaces or gaps, and over- plant, abutment, and crown. The regular
them if they look closely. Thus, you can also crowding of teeth. People who use invisi- price of $3,495 is now just $2,995.
opt to remove the dental tray during spe- ble braces also face far fewer limitations
cial occasions if you prefer to do so. The on the foods they can eat. With Invisalign, For those interested in VENEERS AND SMILE
entire treatment can take anywhere from you can continue to eat and enjoy all your MAKEOVERS, call for their Incredible Spe-
six- eighteen months. favorite foods. cials.