Page 7 - 18th AGM Brochure_Neat
P. 7

Takaaful T&T Friendly Society 18th AGM Brochure  6

Br. Abdur Mohammed highlighted that his name should be included as a member of the
investment committee on pg. 15.

Br. Feroze Mohammed pointed out that ‘Couva’ should be changed to ‘California’ on
page 17.

Br. Azim Ali suggested that on pg. 22 the wording was inaccurate to the figure of
$1,555,083 and that it needed to be changed to reflect this figure

The BOM Report was confirmed by Br. Saied Hosein and seconded by Riaz Shah.


      Br. Saadiq Khan inquired about the strategic plan and whether it had been
         submitted to the BOM. Br. Zafir Ali responded that it had been submitted and he
         went on to highlight the new Vision and Mission Statements, appealing to
         members to join the committees to diversify ideas in Takaaful. Br. Imtiaz B. Ali
         mentioned the difficulty with having to overcome the shadow of the MCU in the
         development of Takaaful T&T.

      Br. Abdullah Pollard referred to pg. 20 highlighting the decrease in investors and
         inquired if there was any provision in the bye-laws to prevent monopoly. Br.
         Imtiaz B. Ali responded that there was no relationship between investors and

      Br. Farouk Khan requested clarity on the number of terminations. Br. Imtiaz B.
         Ali responded that inactive members as recorded in the Minutes of the 16th AGM
         who could not be contacted and with outstanding membership fees had been

      Br. Sadiq Khan inquired about the time period for termination. Br. Manwar Ali
         responded that there was currently no time period. However, after no contact and
         several years had passed termination was effected.

      Riaz Shah asked if nominees for FBS could be changed and the money made out
         to the Carapichaima Masjid. Br. Manwar Ali responded that this could be done
         and that he should contact the office accordingly.

      Br. Feroze Mohammed asked that the agency system be given strong
         consideration as this can be a vital tool for development of the society. Br. Imtiaz
         Ali responded that it is currently being considered and reassured him that
         Takaaful was looking into it.

      Alia Bridgemohan questioned whether the bye-laws had anything written
         regarding attendance for meetings based on the attendance table in pg.14. She
         also inquired about accountability of the Directors for meetings. Imtiaz B. Ali
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