P. 122
Rich Spirituality 123
this effect a concrete step, though within a
limited scope, was taken a few decades ago
by the Holy See of Cilicia. Such initiatives
must continue with renewed pace and in a
more organized way.
The consecration of a catholicos takes place
during the Holy Mass, which is celebrated
by the elected Catholicos, and it should be
performed by at least three bishops. During
the ceremony, the catholicos solemnly pledges
to commit himself fully to the mission of
the Armenian Church in faithfulness to the
orthodox faith and the teachings of the church
fathers. Then the head of the catholicos is
anointed with the holy muron, the pontifical
staff and ring are given to him, and his head
and face are covered by a white veil as a sign
of his marriage to the church. The con-
secration of the catholicos is similar to that
of the ancient Armenian kings because the
catholicos is at the same time considered the
head of the nation.
Marriage (psak) is a sacred bond between
a man and a woman. Like other sacraments,
marriage too has biblical roots (Mt. 19:3-6,
9). Through its canon laws and pastoral
teachings, the Armenian Church emphasizes
the spiritual and moral significance of a
couple's unity and the vital importance of
forming a Christian family as the ultimate