P. 119

120        The Armenian Church

                                             The  ordination  of  priests  (celibate  or
                                          married)  or  bishops  consists  of  two  parts.
                                          The first part is the dedication, which, in the
                                          case of priests, is held on the eve of the day
                                          of ordination. The celebrant – the catholicos
                                          in the case of episcopal ordination, a bishop
                                          in the case of deacon or priest – sits near the
                                          altar. The guide of the candidate (xartavilak)
                                          leads him on his knees from the main door
                                          of  the  church  near  to  the  celebrant  who
                                          checks whether the candidate possesses the
                                          full  knowledge  proper  to  a  minister  of  the
                                          church, whether he is orthodox in his faith,
                                          and whether his deeds are praiseworthy and
                                          his  life  virtuous.  The  guide  testifies  on  be-
                                          half  of  the  candidate.  Then  the  celebrant,
                                          referring  to  the  fundamentals  of  the  faith
                                          and  doctrine  of  the  church  in  general  and
                                          the  Armenian  Church  in  particular,  asks
                                          whether the candidate accepts the first three
                                          ecumenical councils and the teachings of the
                                          orthodox  fathers,  and  whether  he  anathe-
                                          mizes the heretics and heresies, (mentioning
                                          all by name), and vows to follow the ortho-
                                          dox  faith.  In  the  case  of  a  bishop,  this  part
                                          of  the  ceremony  is  more  elaborate  and  the
                                          requirements  more  strict.  The  Profession  of
                                          the  Orthodox  Faith  is  read  by  the  candidate
                                          followed by a solemn oath to remain faithful
                                          to  the  teachings  and  traditions  of  the  Ar-
                                          menian Church and (in the case of a celibate
                                          priest and bishop) to follow the principles of
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