P. 115

116        The Armenian Church

                                          begins. The deacon carries the chalice to the
                                          holy table and gives it to the celebrant. This
                                          follows  with  the  kiss  of  peace  between  the
                                          faithful. During the kiss of peace, the person
                                          who  gives  the  greeting,  says:  "Christ  is
                                          revealed among us"; and the one who receives
                                          the greeting responds: "Blessed is the revelation
                                          of  Christ."  (At  Christmas  the  greeting  is
                                          exchanged  in  the  following  way:  "Christ  is
                                          born and revealed"  is  answered  by  "Blessed is
                                          the revelation of Christ"; and on Easter: "Christ
                                          is risen from the dead" is answered by "Blessed
                                          is the resurrection of Christ.") And then, while
                                          the  deacon  and  choir  sing  hymns,  praising
                                          and  thanking  God  for  His  mercy  and  love
                                          towards us, the celebrant takes the bread and
                                          repeats  the  words  of  Christ  said  during  the
                                          Last Supper: "Take, eat; this is my Body which is
                                          broken for you and for many for the expiation and
                                          remission  of  sins."  Raising  the  chalice  the
                                          celebrant says: "Drink this all of you. This is my
                                          Blood  of  the  New  Testament,  which  is  shed  for
                                          you and for many for the expiation and remission
                                          of sins" (cf. Mat. 26:26-28). He calls upon the
                                          Father  to  send  the  Holy  Spirit  to  bless  the
                                          gifts; he prays over the bread and wine sepa-
                                          rately,  making  the  sign  of  the  cross  three
                                          times over each, and then, over the bread and
                                          wine together, three times again. This is the
                                          most  sacred  moment,  when  the  bread  and
                                          wine are symbolically changed into the Body
                                          and Blood of Christ.
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