P. 116
Rich Spirituality 117
The choir sings three hymns dedicated to
the Holy Trinity, and the deacon mentions St.
Mary, the saints, apostles, prophets, and
church fathers. Then the celebrant says a
special prayer for the contemporary catho-
licos, asking God to grant him a long life
so that he may guide the church in the
orthodox faith. The choir sings the Lord's
Prayer, which is followed by the doxology.
At this point, the bread and wine are mixed
together. Then the deacon calls on the faithful
to come forward to take Holy Communion.
Prayers taken from ancient liturgies and
church fathers, which are said silently by the
celebrant, occupy an important place in the
eucharistic celebration.
Before the Holy Communion, the confes-
sion is read by the deacon and absolution is
given by the celebrant or by a priest or a
bishop. The faithful are required to fast the
morning before receiving the Holy Com-
munion, which is administered after the
eucharistic celebration in the church or in
case of necessity in any place at any time.
As an expression of its ecumenical spirit,
the Armenian Church may administer Holy
Communion to any Christian who desires it,
irrespective of his or her confessional be-
longing. The communicant stands before the
celebrant, makes the sign of cross and says, "I
have sinned against God"; the celebrant then
places a small portion of the bread, which has