P. 172

Educational Role        173

                                          and  reinforcing each other.  Being Armenian
                                          means  being  Christian.  Christian  education
                                          provides a solid ground to Armenian identity
                                          and, therefore, it must give a clear direction
                                          to Armenian education.

                                          Actors in Christian education

                                             Christian  education  is  the  task  of  the
                                          family, the parish school, the Sunday School,
                                          and  the  Church,  each  having  its  own
                                          approach and methodology:
                                             – The family, considered by the Armenian
                                          Church  as  the  'small  church,'  is  the  first
                                          school of Christian education.
                                             – The school, of course, has a leading role
                                          in Christian education, which, in spite of its
                                          heavy  academic  program,  should  consider
                                          Christian  formation  an  inseparable  part  of
                                          its educational vocation.
                                             –  The  Sunday  School  contributes  signi-
                                          ficantly to Christian education. An extensive
                                          network  of Sunday  Schools  operates  along-
                                          side the parish churches and schools in most
                                          communities in Armenia and the diaspora.
                                             –  The  Church's  role  is  not  limited  to  the
                                          supervision  of  the  educational  programs
                                          and activities pertaining to family, school, or
                                          Sunday  School.  It  supports  and  empowers
                                          these  basic  tools  of  Christian  education.
                                          Furthermore,  it  pays  constant  and  serious
                                          attention to the spiritual growth and moral
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