P. 23

24         The Armenian Church

                                             • The eleventh period: In the 19th Century
                                          the  Armenian  Constitution  was  formulated
                                          and  the  role  of  the  Armenian  Church  was
                                          reactivated within the Ottoman Empire.
                                             • The twelfth period: This period, which
                                          includes  the  20th  Century,  can  be  charac-
                                          terized as a period of martyrdom, survival,
                                          and  recovery.  After  the  Genocide,  the  Ar-
                                          menian Church in the diaspora recovered its
                                          spiritual  vitality  and  reorganized  its  mis-
                                          sionary engagement. In Armenia, under the
                                          Soviet  rule,  the  Armenian  Church  suffered
                                             •  The  present  period:  The  events  that
                                          dominated this period are: the independence
                                          of Armenia (1991), the restoration of the self-
                                          determination of the Armenians in Nagorno-
                                          Karabagh (1991), the celebration of the 1700th
                                          anniversary of the conversion of Armenia to
                                          Christianity  (2001),  the  commemoration  of
                                          the  centennial  of  the  Armenian  Genocide
                                          (2015), and the canonization of the Genocide
                                          martyrs  (2015).  This  has  been  a  period  of

                                          The origin of the Armenian Church
                                             According  to  tradition,  the  seeds  of  the
                                          Christian faith were sown in Armenia by the
                                          two  apostles  of  Jesus  Christ,  St.  Thaddeus
                                          and St. Bartholomew, who are considered to
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