P. 25

26         The Armenian Church

                                          Aderbadagan, Iran, is still a major center of
                                          pilgrimage.  The  apostolic  origin  of  the  Ar-
                                          menian Church  has  become  a  sacred legacy
                                          and a source of spiritual renewal, permeating
                                          all spheres and aspects of its life. The throne
                                          of the catholicos has been referred to as the
                                          Apostolic  See  or  Apostolic  Throne.  Aposto-
                                          licity has served as a constant reminder to the
                                          Armenian  Church  to  fulfill  the  Great  Com-
                                          mission  and  remain  faithful  to  the  tradition
                                          and faith of the early church transmitted by
                                          the apostles.

                                          Christianity as the state religion
                                             Before  their  martyrdom,  both  apostles
                                          ordained bishops to continue their mission.
                                          Historical  evidence  provided  by  the  Ar-
                                          menian historians, such as the martyrdom of
                                          Woskiank,  five  Roman  envoys  who  were
                                          converted  by  St.  Thaddeus,  and  Soukias-
                                          iank, nineteen Alans who became Christians
                                          in Armenia, as well as references to bishops
                                          and dioceses (see Appendix D for the full list
                                          of  the  Armenian  Catholicoi)  by  Eusebius
                                          (Church History), Tertullian (Against the Jews),
                                          St.  Augustine  (Against Manichaeans),  and  by
                                          other early church fathers prove that Chris-
                                          tianity,  although  a  hidden  and  persecuted
                                          religion, continued its  clandestine existence
                                          in  Armenia.  By  general  consensus,  the  for-
                                          mal  conversion  of  Armenia  to  Christianity
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