P. 55

56         The Armenian Church

                                             Archbishop  (ark‘episkopos) is an honora-
                                          ry title given to a senior bishop by a catho-
                                          licosal  encyclical  as  an  appreciation  for  his
                                          many years of service. It is also conferred to
                                          a diocesan primate who has a large diocese
                                          and assistant bishops.

                                             A bishop (episkopos) is consecrated by the
                                          catholicos,  who  is  assisted  by  two  bishops.
                                          Canonically a bishop is elected as a primate
                                          by  the  Diocesan  National  Representative
                                          Assembly  and  consecrated  for  that  diocese.
                                          However, the catholicos may consecrate a bi-
                                          shop also for a non-diocesan responsibility.

                                          Vartabed and Supreme Vartabed
                                             Vartabed (vardapet) means church doctor,
                                          church divine, or teacher. It is an academic
                                          title, conferred only to celibate priests by the
                                          catholicos  or  a  bishop  through  a  liturgical
                                          ceremony.  The  order  consists  of  two  sub-
                                          orders: minor or particular vartabed (varda-
                                          pet), which includes four degrees, and major
                                          or  supreme  vartabed  (cayragoyn  vardapet),
                                          which  consists  of  ten  degrees.  With  each
                                          degree, the candidate is given a special staff,
                                          at  the  top  of  which  are  two  serpents  inter-
                                          twined, symbolizing prudence and wisdom,
                                          headed  by  a  cross.  These  orders  are  be-
                                          stowed  separately,  since  each  order  entails
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