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First; the European Spallation Source (ESS), a special Furthermore, a Memorandum of Understanding has been
multinational project to build the world's most powerful neutron signed by iThemba LABS and MTA-ATOMKI The Institute for
source in Lund, Sweden, is almost 50% complete. As one of the
remaining major world laboratories equipped with an active Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences),
neutron facility, iThemba LABS constitutes an integral part of a according to which the two institutions committed to pursue
15 member multi-institutional proposal submitted to the Horizon- scientific and technical collaborations in the areas of subatomic
2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the
European Commission under the project title “Bringing together physics, material science, accelerator mass spectrometry,
a neutron ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS nuclear medicine, radiation biophysics, accelerator technology,
(Brightness-2)”. Correspondence has been received from the electronics and instrumentation. The collaborative research
European Commission confirming that Brightness-2 funding
proposal has been favorably reviewed and as a result had been projects to be jointly pursued in accordance with the
progressed past the first phase of the European Commission memorandum offer yet another platform to broaden post-
proposal review mechanism. Although formal commitment for
funding is yet to be confirmed, iThemba LABS views this as a graduate student training opportunities at iThemba LABS in
major milestone of a development since the initiative of collaboration with major international research facilities around
Brightness-2 offers an international platform for our institution to the world.
participate in a project at a budget allocation of € 57 500.
Two memoranda of understanding have been signed with two
academic institutions within the African continent in pursuit of
iThemba LABS' twin objective of broadening the institution's
collaborative footprint across our home-continent, while acting
as a gateway for post-graduate students to access both our
research facilities and the major international research centers
of the world. To this effect, a research collaborative
memorandum of understanding has been signed during the
m o n t h o f A u g u s t b e t w e e n i T h e m b a L A B S
and the University of Eswatini (former University of Swaziland),
and between iThemba LABS and the University of Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania.
The second international highlight is the conclusion of a number
of Memoranda of Understanding / Agreenents
With our international collaboration strategy firmly on course, as
exemplified through the preceding highlights, the director's
Most recently, an MOA was concluded between iThemba LABS
board would like to take this opportunity to update iThemba
and GSI-FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in
LABS staff on recent developments with respect to SAIF (South
Europe GmbH), paving the way for iThemba LABS to participate
African Isotope Facility), the flagship project geared at securing
in the “GET INvolved Programme” at GSI and FAIR, with the
future sustainability of our facility as comprehensively defined
overriding objective to offer young students, interns and early-
on our long-range plan.
age researchers a unique training opportunity to visit an
international laboratory associated with the GSI-FAIR for a
period ranging between three to six months. During the visiting
period, the post-graduate student beneficiaries of the GET
INvolved programme will have the opportunity to attend the GSI
Summer Student program, and to take part in lectures,
symposia, and related scientific activities at the GSI-FAIR
iThemba LABS News
21 January 2019 Volume 3 Issue1