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   Muneer Sakildien from the Accelerator Department
   recently  defended  his  doctoral  thesis  entitled
   “Characteristic Ká emission of Electron Cyclotron
   Resonance Ion Source Plasmas” (ECRIS) at the
   University  of  Jyväskylä.  The  thesis  was  co-
   s u p e r v i s e d                      b y

   Dr  Pete  Jones  from  the  Subatomic  Physics
   Department. In terms of the university regulations
   the defence is conducted by an expert in the field
   and  for  Muneer's  defence  Dr  Laurent  Maunoury
   from GANIL acted as the Opponent. Muneer is also
   scheduled  to  visit  GANIL  later  in  this  year  to
   present a colloquium on his PhD work as well as
   discuss  possible  future  collaboration  on  plasma
   diagnostics from an ECRIS.

                                                            INSTRUMENTATION AND IT DEPARTMENT
                                                            ACQUIRES 3D PRINTER

                                                           A 3D printer from Markforged was recently procured by the INIT
                                                           department. This printer has high standard resolution and printing
                                                           speeds. It was acquired in its basic version with possible upgrades in
                                                           the future to allow for reinforcement material, carbon fibre printing,
                                                           and ultimately metal printing via the sintering process.
                                                           In its current version, parts within overall dimensions of 320 mm x
                                                           132 mm x 154 are printed in ONYX, a plastic material with superior
                                                           mechanical  properties  as  compared  to  traditional  PLA  or  ABS
                                                           materials. Communicate your printing needs to the INIT department
                                                           at .

  TAMS DEPARTMENT                                           FIRST PRODUCTION RUN AT THE NEW
                                                            TANDETRON FACILITY

  The paper “The demise of the largest and oldest African baobabs”, by
                                                           Sulphur material is notoriously known to evaporate rapidly under the effect
  Adrian  Patrut,  Stephan  Woodborne,  Roxana  T  Patrut,  Laszlo
                                                           of ion beam irradiation, and for this reason sulphur targets are seldom used.
  Rakosy, Daniel A Lowy, Grant Hall, Karl F von Reden, published in
                                                           The first production run at the new Tandetron facility was performed to test
  Nature Plants, Volume 4, 423-426 (2018) was ranked #66/100
                                                           a new target making approach. The element is encapsulated in between
  globally  for  its  news  value,  and  #21  when
                                                           extremely thin Mylar material and beam is constantly swiveled onto the
  compared with papers of the same age.     Coverage of the
                                                           pocket. The method proves to be effective with as little as 1mg of initial
  Baobab climate change project was shown on CNN in December
                                                           material. This is particularly interesting when dealing with the expensive
  2018  (
                                                           36 S isotope.
  ( h t t p s : / / w w w . a l t m e t r i c . c o m / t o p 1 0 0 / 2 0 1 8 / )

                                    iThemba LABS News
    21 January 2019                                                                                 Volume 3 Issue1
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