P. 10
than I want to know to ensure the safety of my life and my family's life. My initial gut instinct
estimates I am now several miles below the surface of Scottsville in what looks to be some secret
government-run science experiment and laboratory.
Chapter 7
"Have I witnessed too much already?"
Becoming more paranoid about my safety, I briskly walk around the entire office parameter in
search of anything that remotely looks identical to the automatic paper towel dispenser that
previously activated the urinal like the elevator that just ten minutes ago transported me to this
very odd black carpeted medical office. Unsuccessful in my attempts to locate the possible on
and off Urinal elevator switch, I sigh in frustration and walk directly over to the lovely dark
maple and green leather office chair. I sit down, and I prop my white tennis shoes over the left
corner edge of Dr. Miller's gorgeous maple colored desk panning my vision around the room for
more clues to help me ascertain the nature of what looked to be some highly advanced medical
or scientific laboratory toy.
The office fully equipped with computer, monitor, mouse, and keyboard appeared
extraordinarily new and clean. I grab the mouse and out of habit waive the mouse around to see
if the user of this computer logged into their system. By pure random luck, Dr. Millers e-mail
and calendar schedule for today appeared with the exact room number. Under the experiment
names, "Psych" room number five forty-seven noted as the location of today's research room.
Snooping around Dr. Miller's desktop, I find a folder marked "Confidential-Repeaters" and
double click opening what looks to be the personal profiles and medical history for hundreds of
males and females ages ranging from 1 month old to Mr. Davis a ninety-year-old male.