P. 12

This secret group of three scientists began their research in 1817 with Operation

               Reincarnation still operating today. Alex, you see our research has finally come to a major

               crossroads with the recent finding of the ancient alien race designed wrist bracelet with

               integrated S.F.S.N capabilities". "The bracelet was designed to only work with souls that have a

               genetically rare geo frequency and soul output signature reading. The entire list of names and

               profiles that you just scanned thru in my computer folder labeled S.F.S.N. report folder have

               special DNA giving them special soul travel privileges and powers. We haven't figure wed out

               why or how these chosen people have come to possess this alien DNA which specifically targets

               the electrical and neurological pathways in the central nervous system.  There is so much more

               we need to share with you Alex and insist that you go back to your nice group of tennis friends

               as though none of this ever happened, you understand me Alex/?".

                       My gut instincts were correct as I now find myself tangled up in a Top-Secret operation

               involving something to do with Reincarnation.  I whisper to myself "God have Mercy on my

               soul" Dr. O'Malley then approaches me and asks "Alex.  we're going to need you to come back

               today around five o'clock so we can get you up to speed on what's happened here today and we

               are very much in need of your complete and utter cooperation".  I pause for a brief second as I

               carefully evaluate and postulate Dr. O'Malley's return at five o'clock request, incredibly

               concerned with the implications of my actions I turn to Dr. O'Malley and say, "Ok see you at five

               pm sharp!"

                                                         Chapter 9

                                       "All of This Information is too overwhelming."

                Politely excusing myself, I ask Dr. Miller "how do I get back upstairs"?  Dr. Miller remarks

               back "follow me" and proceeds to walk over and stands directly next to the Urinal Elevator.
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