P. 9

Chapter 6

                                            "The Shiny Chrome Urinal elevator."

                Instantaneously the entire middle section urinal along with a five-foot section of lighted floor,

               drop with lighting fast quickness as I hold on for dear life to the shiny chrome Urinal handle and

               main chrome water sewage pipe. With zero notice, the shiny chrome Urinal completely flips over

               revealing a built-in chair with thick safety seatbelt.  I immediately hop into the chair and harness

               myself in as the incredible G-forces crush my body more in-depth into the built-in plastic

               uncomfortable seat as I shoot downwards rapidly. The urinal elevator and I continue to drop

               downwards magically for about ten minutes as my body felt weightless and very vulnerable.

               With no warning, the Urinal elevator and I attached slowly and meticulously land directly on top

               of a solid black thick carpet located near what appears to be a medical library.

                       Mixed in with a very elaborately decorated office, thick, substantial two-way glass

               mirrors on all four sides, a gorgeous maple desk, sizeable lighted control box with hundreds of

               knobs and different digital settings. I quickly un harness myself triggering the built-in seat to flip

               back over again returning the shiny high-tech aluminum polished urinal and flashing bright red

               floor lights which point to what looks to be the same fluorescent-lighted hallway that I initially

               walked down when I first went into the bathroom upstairs. Being curious, I walk over to the

               control panel and notice multiple high definition monitors, all recording what looked to be

               different examination rooms. Scanning each monitor, I see Dr. Miller along with two other

               colleagues speaking very loudly while making instructional gestures walking towards a solid

               white door marked A-1. On another monitor, I also see a large 80-inch digital whiteboard with

               highly complex ancient wristband drawings and schematics from some unknown alien origin.

               Having watched so many science fiction movies, I begin to think I may be witnessing way more
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