Page 12 - The 20 Most Promising Co-founders in Business Industry 2019
P. 12 is a
              unique peer-to-peer,                               We are creating a new
        Btraveler-powered global                        segment where travel meets
        delivery marketplace that                 “
        enables users to send anything                logistics and demystifying the
        anywhere in the world and
        helps travelers to monetise their              concept of shared economy
        unused luggage space by carrying                                                                          “
        verified packages. A first-of-                           based shipping solution
        its-kind product in the peer-to-
        peer shipping space, it connects
        package senders with travelers
        who are going to their desired
        destination.         and building the brand name.         East Asia, as part of MySpace
        aims to grow into a one-stop         Currently, Deep is also the Co-      India’s founding team which was
        solution for all kinds of shipping   founder & Managing Partner of        responsible for setting up the
        needs of individuals and small       Gemini Group (www.imgemini.          business, sales operations, and
        business through a large network     com), a 200+ seat coworking          strategic partnerships across the
        of reliable travelers authenticated   space, real estate development      website and MySpace Mobile.
        by OTAs, airlines and travel         and consultancy firm helping local   A highly organized individual,
        agents. From cosmetics and health    and international companies with     Deep aims to leverage his in-depth
        supplements to apparels, our         new media business strategies        knowledge, expertise and the
        crowdsourced logistics service       and marketing plans by partnering    diverse professional network he has
        delivers almost every item that is   with experts from the industry.      acquired over the years to establish
        not easily available locally from    After finishing double Master’s in as a one-stop
        one part of the world to another.    Mass Media and Commerce, Deep        solution for all kinds of shipping
        Having already completed over        went on to pursue an MBA degree      needs of individuals and small
        14,000 deliveries with 75% repeat    in Advertising Communication         business through the large network
        customers in just a couple of years,   from Symbiosis Institute of        of reliable travelers authenticated
        we have received an overwhelming     Business Management, Pune.           by OTAs, airlines and travel agents.
        response from frequent travelers     While he started his career as a     In the next five years, he looks
        including backpackers, solo          Graphic Designer in the Marketing    forward to taking the company
        travelers and millennials by         Communication team at Jasubhai       to a multi-billion dollar valuation
        providing them with an opportunity   Digital Media, he soon founded       and be known as a fun, simple and
        to earn some extra money while       his own venture –          economical brand where travel
        they go about their journeys.        when he was 20 years. After his      meets logistics. has also caught      MBA he made the switch to digital
        the eye of the price-sensitive Indian   advertising during the early days   Deep writes regularly on the topic
        customers with its significantly     of digital advertising in India.     of entrepreneurship and business
        lower shipping charges 50-60%        He started his corporate stint in    for leading magazines and business
        less than the conventional courier, where he was in the      websites. Deep is a movie buff and
        services.                            advertising sales team. One of the   has directed several short movies. envisions to         major turning points in Deep’s       In his free time, you would see him
                                                                                  heading to the nearest multiplex
        be the world’s largest network of    career came when he joined the       or writing a script. He is also the
        travelers and package senders,       founding team for Google India       Executive Producer of a leading
        that will revolutionize the way      responsible for setting up the       Hollywood Production company
        people ship and travel.              company’s direct sales operations    - RiverRock Films. He favorite
        A Highly Decorated Leader            in India. He was responsible for     movie director is Christopher
                                             growing revenues for Google and
        A veteran in the entrepreneurial and  also was involved in building       Nolan and Memento directed by
        startup domain with over 15 years    the travel vertical in Google        the same director is his favorite
        of experience, Deep Malhotra is      India. During his long, illustrious   movie.
        the Co-Founder of BECKFriends.       career, Deep was associated with     Hurdles in the Journey
        com. At, he          one of the biggest multinational     Shipping through a traveler
        spearheads the overall expansion     media conglomerate NEWS Corp         network is a new concept and
        strategy, product development and    owned company           hence needs some amount of
        relationship with the stakeholders.   Prior to joining BECKFriends.       educating the market. We at
        His responsibilities also include    com, he was the Senior Director are creating a
        driving the company’s vision         for India & South        new segment where travel meets
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