Page 14 - The 20 Most Promising Co-founders in Business Industry 2019
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logistics and demystifying the       a better user experience and         on blips created by advertising and
        concept of shared economy based      engagement.                          rather we are focussing on a long
        shipping solution.                   A Platform like No Other             term customer funnel which is built
        The biggest challenge in the         There are several things that        on a simple revenue share model.
        industry is to match the demand      differentiate us from the            We have the first mover advantage
        and supply. To map every shipping    competition. To begin with the       in this space with respect to
        request to an immediate traveler     founding team covers expertise in    catering to the widest geographies.
        and vice versa is a daily cycle of   all the major aspects required to    Hence the competition from
        the business. To address this issue,   grow a business to the next level.   another player per say is limited
        we at have           We believe in keeping our core       but our biggest competition is to
        a build a strong network of over     strong and expanding from there      build and grow this sector and
        250 travel agents and OTAs that      onwards. We understand and value along with
        help us reach out to large number    the importance of attracting the     it by being adaptive, frugal and
        of travelers at a single go. On the   right talent and partnerships.      visionary.
        other hand to ensure a steady flow                                        A Satisfied Clientele
        of shippers, we have tied up with    Our partner network is one of our
        over 450 merchants who pump in       major strengths that have helped us is creates a
        the demand.                          accelerate our growth rate by being   win-win situation for travelers as
        With the network effect setting      able to reach out to more customers  well as shippers.
                                             and by creating our brand
        in, we have been able to match       advocates at ground level. This       The travelers can share their travel
        the demand and supply, thereby       also ensures that we are building    plans on the platform and monetize
        not only increasing our delivery/    a business without burning money         their unused luggage space and
        revenue numbers but also creating                                              earn as they travel. For e.g we
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