Page 15 - The 20 Most Promising Co-founders in Business Industry 2019
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recently sent 50 kgs of designer outfits individuals and SMEs.
for a film festival in Cannes, through
a family of four people travelling. The Two most significant industries of travel
family earned $470 for letting go of the and logistics come together on our
unused space and covered a part of their platform to build a trust based verified
community solving the problem of
travel costs. shipping globally through the principals of
Similarly the shipper in the above shared economy.
scenario saved 30%-40% of their Conceptualization of
shipping cost and also the outfits were
delivered without any delay. The I think no better way to understand a
platform provides the shippers a cost problem than when you face it yourself. A
effective and flexible shipping option to few years back my niece was visiting us
ship anywhere globally. in India from London and when my sister
Creative Strategies for Clients reached back home, she realised that they
had forgotten Miss Melody in Mumbai
We at are amongst with us. Now Miss Melody though looked
the first movers in the space of shared like a simple stuffed toy but was a very
economy based logistics arena. important member of the family. And my
According to us the best way to tackle niece didn’t take this issue lightly and
the competition is to move quickly and cried herself to sleep for several days. The
effectively into the space to capture the cost to ship Miss Melody back home was
market by creating a brand recall. coming out to be higher than the actual
Today 75% of our customers come back cost of the toy. That’s when I thought there
lies a great business opportunity in this
to us and that is because of the novelty problem.
of the service and their experience of
using it. Our strategic partnerships form In my stint at Google, I was overlooking
the backbone of our business and we the travel vertical and had developed a
believe the opportunity we are creating great understanding of the industry and
for our partners to earn with us is unique its nuances. That’s when it struck me to
and creates long term associations. solve the problem of shipping by building
We are at the right place as the sun rises a traveler powered delivery marketplace.
on the peer to peer shipping sector. That is how the was
There is a huge untapped potential here conceptualised.
and with our rigour, pace, expertise and Beholding the Future
partnerships, we are building a network
that will enable us to be at the top of our will change the way
people travel and ship in the days to come.
game. We are all set to increase our footprints
Contribution in the Corporate globally for the network effect to become
Universe a global phenomenon.
Logistics is a $250 billion market is touted to be the
globally and travel is a $4.3 billion platform you will log into as soon as you
market. Logistics and travel are the have booked your tickets to earn as you
largest growing sectors globally and travel. And we are set to be a household is right in the middle name when it comes to flexible and
of both of these, creating a segment affordable shipping across the globe.
where travel meets logistics. Shared economy is projected to grow is making travel from $15 billion in 2014 to $335 billion in
more interesting by giving travelers an 2025 and our growth is linked to it being
opportunity to earn as they travel. It also amongst the first movers. We are prepared
creates a positive impact on the travel for the future with our network, partners
partners like travel agents and OTAs and right growth strategy in place and are
by giving them an additional source of all set to be the next Uber or AirBnB.
revenue. Potential Markets to Tap
On the other hand we impact the
logistics sector by offering a cost Since we operate between three high
effective and flexible shipping solution impact and growing industries, we are
catering to the unmet shipping needs of living in interesting times. Logistics is the