Page 20 - The 20 Most Promising Co-founders in Business Industry 2019
P. 20

Alok Mittal:

           A Successful First Generation Entrepreneur and the CEO of Indifi

            ndifi believes in helping        first generation entrepreneur        shared that access to capital is
            small businesses grow by         based in India. Alok is also a       the single biggest roadblock to
        Ioffering loans to those that        founding member of Indian            growing their businesses. With
        have potential and intent. Most      Angel Network, which is a forum      more cash flow, these businesses
        such businesses have little or no    for making angel investments.        can hire new employees, purchase
        access to financing from traditional   He last led India operations of    more inventories, take more orders,
        institutions such as banks or lack   Canaan Partners, a premier US        upgrade equipment and boost their
        either collateral or finance data trail  based venture capital firm. Earlier,   marketing efforts.
        to access a loans.                   he cofounded
                                             in 1999. is the        Indifi’s Key Features
        Indifi is a technology platform      leading e-recruitment business
        that gathers and analyses data of    focussed on the Indian market,       We know every segment
        businesses from various sources      and was acquired by Monster.         is different so we focus on
        and draws insights to judge their    com recently. Before founding        understanding each one to make
        credit worthiness, their past and    JobsAhead, Alok worked with          loans better. It is quick & simple:
        current performance in context of    Hughes software in telecom and       Minimum documentation, no
        the industry they are operating in.   internet technologies. Alok is a    collaterals; we have multiple
                                             computer science graduate from       lenders: One application, multiple
        We are a technology platform                                              lenders, increased chances of loan
        creating easy loan origination,      IIT Delhi, and completed his MS      approval; Best Fit: Specific loan
        and leverage our segment             and Management of Technology         products for specific business
        understanding to create risk         programs from UC Berkeley.           needs; Flexible & Transparent:
        models. This brings multiple         Types of Loans Indifi Provides       Choice of loan tenure & repayment
        partners and lenders to fill the                                          modes and no hidden charges
        credit gap, helping small businesses  Our loans are designed for one
        access unsecured business loans,     thing your business needs. These     A mediator between lenders and
        through a quick and simple           include:                             SMEs
        process. We have tailored loans                                           Indifi Technologies works with
        for Travel, Hotel, e-Commerce,       a. Term Loans                        lenders to provide them with full
        Restaurant, Trading and Retail       b. Line Of Credit                    customer lifecycle management
        businesses.                                                               and charges them a fee based on
                                             c. Invoice Discounting               products availed by the customer.
        A Thoughtful Leader
                                             d. Merchant Cash Advance             Lenders would incur an operating
        Alok Mital is Co-founder and                                              cost if they were to run the
        CEO of Indifi, a platform to         Benefits for Small Businesses        complete customer lifecycle; they
        expand access to debt financing for                                       now pay that to Indifi for managing
        Indian SMEs. He is a successful      When asked, most business owners  it. On the banking front, the lenders

        20                                                                              September 2019│
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