Page 21 - The 20 Most Promising Co-founders in Business Industry 2019
P. 21


                                                           We are a technology platform

                                                   creating easy loan origination, and
                                               leverage our segment understanding                                       “

                                                                            to create risk models

        Indifi works with are YES Bank,      represents a significant opportunity   do not have the kind of multi-
        RBL Bank and IDFC bank. The          for Indian financial institutions    lender capabilities that Indifi has.
        NBFC list includes Edelweiss,        that seek to address the “missing
        IndiaInfoline, Capital First         middle” by providing debt products   Two Businesses
        and Aditya Birla Finance.            and services designed to meet the    Indifi has two businesses – one, a
                                             needs of this market. And that’s
        Addressing the SME financing         where Indifi Technologies is aiming   marketplace where other banks and
        gap                                  to make a mark.                      NBFCs can come and lend to the
                                                                                  small businesses, and the other, an
        Non-availability of timely and       Future Plans                         NBFC that provides loans on its
        adequate credit at reasonable                                             books. Alok is convinced that the
        interest rates posed challenges      Most SMEs do not have a strong       vertical strategy will be the best for
        for MSMEs. Banks were prone          credit data footprint when it comes   Indifi and it will continue to focus
        towards risk aversion when it came  to debt financing. They tend to be    on a few select verticals. Over
        to lending to MSMEs because of       excluded from the formal financial   time, it will go deeper into these
        the insufficient collateral micro-   system, especially if they can’t     verticals.
        enterprises and first-generation     offer collateral.
        entrepreneurs possess.                                                    Beyond traditional lending
                                             Alok is aiming to change that.
        The total financial requirement in                                        Indifi decided that a traditional
        the MSME sector is $650 billion,     Indifi Technologies has till date    branch-led origination of loans
        $520 billion of debt demand and      disbursed more than 2,000 loans      for small businesses would not
        $130 billion of equity. The viable   in the range of Rs 50,000 to Rs 50   be effective if they were to focus
        and addressable debt demand is       lakh. In the next two to three years,  on verticals. It was fortuitous for
        estimated to be $198 billion. Micro   they aim to grow multi-fold in      Alok that at the time they were
        and small enterprises account for    terms of the borrowers they serve    working on their venture, the
        97 per cent of the viable debt gap;   and, consequently, in terms of      internet was bringing a whole lot
        working capital demand accounts      revenue.                             of aggregators into play and each
        for about 61 per cent of this debt   Gaining a Competitive Edge           of these aggregators had a large
        demand.                                                                   number of small businesses on their
                                             The platforms that exist in the      network. Indifi would tap into these
        Currently, this need is being met by   market currently are primarily     aggregators to access customers
        the informal sector, which includes   NBFCs in the digital space. They    and data
        moneylenders and chit funds. This

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