Page 26 - The 20 Most Promising Co-founders in Business Industry 2019
P. 26
Bhavin Patel:
The CEO at Lendenclub, a Consultant and Adviser to More Than
10 NBFCs in Past and a Trained Six Sigma Expert
LenDenClub is one of the data/information verification. individuals with financing
fastestgrowing peer to peer (P2P) Any investment decision taken solutions.
lending platforms in India. It by the lender on the basis of this
connects investors or lenders information is at discretion of the Our Mission & Vision
looking for high returns with lender and In a country of a billion dreams,
creditworthy borrowers looking for easy access to credit could not only
short term personal loans. The Strongest Pillar fulfill individual dreams but also
Our automated, simple to use, Bhavin Patel is the CEO at ultimately contribute to the growth
transparent and hassle free P2P LenDenClub, pioneer of P2P story of a young nation.
lending platform ensures that Lending in India. Fascinated by In a country of a billion ambitions,
the borrowing needs of salaried usage of technology in lending, he new ways of wealth generation
individuals are met quickly and wants to take lending to last mile could not only feed the pillars of
efficiently. By connecting lenders person in the smallest village. tomorrow, but also fuel millions of
and borrowers in the peer to peer He is a consultant and adviser to dreams waiting in hope.
lending space, we create a win- more than 10 NBFCs in past. He
win situation for both lenders and has helped them on fund raising, In a country of a billion
borrowers. new operations setup, ERP confluences, the roads leading to
LenDenClub is an Intermediary solutions setup to name a few. He promising tomorrow often originate
form a confluence.
under the provisions of the is also a trained six sigma expert.
Information Technology Act, He likes sharing knowledge with LenDenClub was a confluence
1999 and virtually connect students and fresh graduates. To waiting to happen, where a
lenders and borrowers through support this initiative, he also demographic waiting for their
electronic platforms of website delivers guest lectures at B-Schools needs to be addressed meets
and/or mobile app. The lending sharing moments with upcoming one that addresses the need.
transaction is purely between entrepreneurs. India currently houses 20 – 25
lenders and borrowers at their million salaried individuals who
own discretion and LenDenClub What We Offer? unfortunately aren’t covered
does not assure loan fulfillment by traditional credit providing
and/or investment returns. Also, We provide investment option institutions. We also have a large
the information provided on the to individuals and institutions pool of middle and high income
platform are verified or checked and do so with a certain standard population constantly looking
on the best efforts basis without of excellence. Also, our simple out for structured avenues of
guarantying any accuracy in the and easy Personal loans offer investments with fixed timely
26 September 2019│