Page 27 - The 20 Most Promising Co-founders in Business Industry 2019
P. 27


                                                           We are a technology platform

                                                  creating easy loan origination, and
                                               leverage our segment understanding                                       “

                                                                            to create risk models

        returns. LenDenClub is where these       •  Customer obsession            LenDenClub’s any purpose
        two demographics symbiotically                                            personal loans could help you
        meet in a confluence.                    •  Ownership                     fulfill any personal requirement or

        LenDenClub was born out of               •  Invent and simplify           tackle a problem you are dealing
                                                                                  with. We will support you with
        a need to find a simpler way to          •  Do it for society             almost everything; from paying
        search for a loan. We connect                                             your problematic credit cards to
        lenders looking for a healthy and        •  High standards                arrange a vacation for the family;
        structured return on investment to                                        from family functions to your home
        creditworthy borrowers looking           •  Think innovative              renovation; from the purchase of
        to fulfil their loan requirement.                                         used car/ new bike to managing a
        We are the fastest growing P2P       Why Peer To Peer Lending and         medical emergency. Select your
        lending platform in the country.     Why Us                               suitable purpose of the loan and get
        We created a unique proprietary      P2P Loans are the most innovative    going with India’s leading Peer to
        search platform that filled the gaps   way to invest your money. It earns   Peer Lending Company.
        left by other in the market. Led     you great returns while generating
        by passionate problem-solvers        monthly cash flow that you can       Website: http://www.lendenclub.
        and backed by top investors from     reinvest and earn even higher        com
        around the world, we are poised to   returns.
        become the most trusted platform                                          Industry: Financial Services
        for lenders and borrowers in India.  Peer to Peer (P2P) lending           Company size: 11-50 employees
                                             enables individuals to borrow
        Our Core Values                      and lend money without any           Headquarters: Mumbai,

        To provide an online lending         intermediaries. Usually, a person    Maharastra
        platform to enable borrowers         who is looking to invest (Lender)    Type:
        to engage with lenders and for       his/her money lends it to another    Privately
        investors to identify and purchase   person (Borrower) who is looking     Held
        loans that meet their investment     for a loan. This is where Peer
        criteria by verifying borrower       to Peer Lending platforms like       Founded:
        identity, employment and credit      LenDenClub come into the picture.    2014
        information.                         Our Peer to Peer Loan Offerings

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