Page 28 - The 20 Most Promising Co-founders in Business Industry 2019
P. 28


        Chandra Shekhar Basavanna:

                              Founder & Director at Orgtree India

                rgTree, pioneering           Mahesh Basavanna, 43, and            as a science here. This is where
                farmerpreneur movement,      Chandrashekhar Basavanna,            we experiment with recipes,
        Ois a food production                40, brothers who hail from           explore with machines, and most
        company making millet based          Thenkahalli, a village in            importantly, all our products start
        snacks. Our mission is to make       MalavalliTaluk in Mandya district,   their life journey here.
        good and healthy millet food         Karnataka, decided to introduce
        available for everyone.              millets to the urban populace in     Each and every part of this
                                             the form of snacks. That’s how       factory has been carefully
        The company was founded in 2014      OrgTree was founded, with a          inspected, worked, reworked, and
        with a world class manufacturing     mission to make healthy food         transformed to do one thing, and
        facility in Thenkahalli, Malavalli in   available to everyone.            one thing only. Ship the best millet
        Mandya district, Karnataka, India,                                        products we produce. And then
        with corporate office in Bangalore.  Mahesh and Chandra Basavanna         make them better the next day.
                                             have set up OrgTree, which is
        The idea is to provide healthy       enabling farmers to grow millet,     Straight From The Farmers
        food made from locally sourced       adding value to their produce, and
        millet and from the hands of         promoting a healthy lifestyle.       To make the best of anything, you
        the farmers. OrgTree follows                                              have to start from the source and
        sustainability to the core in all    Brand Story and Tradition            work your way up, it is twice as
        practices. Sustainability in terms of                                     true for farm produce. For that we
        production and delivery processes,   OrgTree at its core is a farmer      have our millets grown specifically
        economic and environmental           backed company. From growing         for us without fertilizers and
        sustainability.                      millet and other ingredients         substitutions. This way, we control
                                             required for our products, to        the quality of the grains we get.
        Orgtree with Kiru millet snacks      manufacturing and packaging them
        envisions to create healthy          all is the effort of the farmers.    The best products will come from
        snacking habits among its            From performing research to          the best farms. No exceptions. The
        consumers. Creating awareness on     create highly nutritious products    farmers we work with, are growers
        consuming millet as a staple food    and to testing and ensuring that     who live and die by their produce.
        and including it as a part of the    the products are of world-class      They are a force of nature in
        daily dietary habits is one of our   standards is the effort of the       themselves and we can only hope
        objective.                           farmers. OrgTree emnates this        they continue their way of unspoilt
                                             Farmer identity.                     production.
        We Want Millets to Become a Part
        of Everyone’s Lives!                 The Factory                          The Road Ahead

        The Dynamic Duo                      It is a heart of our company. We     Sustainability to us is more than
                                             proclaim millet food engineering     just doing things better. Our

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