Page 22 - The 20 Most Promising Co-founders in Business Industry 2019
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Ashish Thusoo:
Co-founder/CEO at Qubole
n today’s data-driven world, Ashish Thusoo and Joydeep Sen customers process an exabyte of
organizations must leverage an Sarma co-founded Qubole in 2013 data every month, enabling them to
Iimmense amount of generated with a mission to close the data focus on their data — not their data
data to disrupt, innovate, and accessibility gap. In launching platform.
thrive. Qubole provides a cloud- Qubole, the duo leveraged their How We Solve the Activation
native data platform for analytics experience as part of the original Gap
and machine learning that quickly Facebook Data Service Team from
activates large quantities of data for 2007 to 2011. Ashish and Joydeep Today’s enterprises face a
all users while lowering costs. Built authored many prominent data critical challenge: how to make
by the team who built Facebook’s industry tools during their time at all captured data accessible and
data platform, Qubole serves Facebook, including the Apache actionable to all business users.
some of the largest data-driven Hive Project. Their goal was to Despite collecting and storing
companies such as Lyft, Expedia, enable massive speed and scale to data at unprecedented rates in
Box, and Oracle. the data platform while providing greater volume and variety, many
better self-service access to the businesses encounter limitations
Vision data for business users. Ashish and around scaling up data operations
Qubole is singularly focused on Joydeep built these same product — both in infrastructure and
staffing — to meet business
principles of speed, scale, and
data activation. We empower you demands and expectations.
to process all types of data sets — accessibility into the foundation of Qubole defines this dissonance
whether structured, unstructured, Qubole. between the expectations from
or semi-structured — to derive Why Customers Choose Qubole data and the supply of resources as
rich insights and develop artificial the activation gap.
intelligence–based applications. Qubole revolutionizes how
companies access insights from To bridge the activation gap,
Data activation drives every their data. Our cloud-native big companies require a rethinking
decision we make, whether it data platform enables companies of the role that data teams serve
pertains to products, people, to exponentially activate petabytes in providing users with the
processes, or relationships. To date, of data faster for everyone and information they need. Qubole
we have made the largest dedicated any use case. Qubole delivers the offers a cloud-native architecture
investment to help organizations freedom of choice to our users: with rich automation features
close the activation gap. customers can use any engine, any on a fully optimized platform
The Leading Lights tool, and any cloud. We help our that allows for more scalable
22 September 2019│