Page 57 - NUMINO TG_2A
P. 57
3. Have students measure the length of a 3 Read and answer the questions. Ryan has longer arms
wall, the side of a desk, and the side of a because it takes fewer of
classroom using their body parts. a Ricky and Ryan both measured the his arms to measure the
wall by spreading their arms. The wall.
Have students realize that the number of wall is 3 of Ricky’s arms or 2 of
unit lengths required to measure a length Ryan’s arms. Who has longer arms,
will differ depending on what and whose Ricky or Ryan?
body parts are used.
Have them understand that if they use a b Ann has the smallest hand
larger unit length, they will need fewer units Thomas, Ann, and Jessica because it took her the
to measure the same length and vice most number of hand
versa. measured the length of the longer lengths to reach across the
3. Check Point side of a desk with their hands.
The desk is 6 of Thomas’ hands,
By measuring the length of an object by 7 of Ann’s, or 4 of Jessica’s. Who
various means, students will realize the has the smallest hand?
inconvenience of nonstandard units. They will
begin to understand the convenience of using c Ann has the largest step
standard units. Kate, Ann, and Jessica measured a because it took her the
Standard units are taught later in “Following least number of steps to
the Footsteps.” side of the classroom in steps. The measure the side of the
side of the classroom is 16 of classroom.
Kate’s, steps15 of Ann’s, or 17 of
Jessica’s. Who has the largest step?


040 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
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